Monday 13 March 2017

Cadamosto: Artemisia / Mugwort against demons and kidney stones

The paragraph about Artemisia (mugwort) from Giovanni Cadamosto's  herbal - Img.13 from manuscript ONB Cod. 5264 Han. (1470 ca) Vienna.

ARtemesia e calda in terzo grado e secca in secondo et e dimandata
matre delle herbe. La decoctione de questa herba beuta cura le
apostreme de la matrice et sedendo in dicta decoctione cura le sue
dureze, pistata con buono vino et beuta fa disperdere le done.
et emplastrata suso el ventre provoca la secondina, beuta la
sua decocione facta con vino bianco p[ro]voca la urina et condu-
ce for a le pietre delle vene. adiuta quelli che sono gialdi et
cura quelli che hanno recevuto lo Opio pistata et beuta con
vino, et chi mangiara de la dicta herba sara sicuro del noci-
mento de le medecine. portandola al colo non sara morduto da
bestia venenosa. mettendo lherba ad bulire nel mosto nel vasello
bevendo de quel vino havera bono et gratissimo odore. et conf-
ortara el Stomaco et levara li humori melancolici del cuore.
mangiata dicta herba apre le vene emoroidale et cure le apo-
steme del sedio, et chi la porta con si non teme la fatica de
lo andare. missa nel casa discatia li Demonij et veta
at tutti li incantamenti.

Artemisia is hot in the third degree and dry in the second. It is called
the mother of plants. Drinking a decoction of this plant cures the
apostemes of the uterus. Sitting in said decoction cures the harness
of uterus. Crushed with good wine and drunk it causes abortion.
Plastered upon the abdomen, it causes the expulsion of the placenta.
Drinking its decoction made with white wine causes urination and
takes out the stones from the veins [calculi]. It helps those who are
yellow [jaundice]. Crushed and mixed with wine, it cures those who
took opium. And whoever eats this plant will be safe from the damage
of medicines. Wearing it at the neck one will not be bitten by poisonous
animals. If you boil the plant with must in a small jar, drinking that wine
you will have a good and very pleasant smell. It will comfort
the stomach and remove melancholic humors from the heart.
When eaten, this plant opens hemorrhoidal veins and cures the
apostemes of the bottom. Who brings it with himself will not be
tired for traveling. Kept in the house, it drives demons away and
prevents all spells.

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