Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Brescia Ms B.V.24 – Arteticha Montana, Lucia Minore, Oculus Domini

Brescia, Biblioteca Queriniana, Ms B.V.24 is a XV Century manuscript written in North-Western Italy. In this post, I complete the analysis of one of the two pages published in “Di Sana Pianta”, Modena, 1988. The first plant (Caspitres) was discussed here.

Link the whole page

In “Il Giardino Magico degli Alchimisti”, Vera Segre Rutz identifies the three plants in the following way:

  • Herba Artetica Montaria #51 (arnica montana)
  • Herba Bazea Minor et de novem una #47 (daucus carota, carrot)
  • Herba Oculus Domini “Eye of God” #54 (lithospermum officinale? - dubious)

Transcription: Translation:
De lerba a[r]teticha mo[n]tana | Erba arteticha mo[n]tana a p[erson]a che avesse gotti fredi i[n] nodi | deli mane ove[?] di peddi q[ue]sta e[r]ba e da ma[n]za[r]e cu[m] ove e | cu[m] alt[r]a cossa grassa. | A p[erson]a che avesse d[e]scor[n]eria de co[r]po | To q[ue]sta e[r]ba e dagene manza[r]e subito guarisse | A p[erson]a che avesse mal de madrone | To q[ue]sta e[r]ba e dagela ma[n]za[r]e s[ub]itto gua[r]isse e cossa p[ro]uata | Nasse i[n] te[rre]ni fredi erbosi e saluadegi.

De la e[r]ba lucia minore | La e[r]ba lucia minore de li viiii ap[erson]a chi auesse fe[r]ita | alchuna. Toy la foya de q[ue]sta e[r]a e pistala e metella | sula piaga s[u]bitto guarisse | A [person]a che fosse mo[r]duto da s[er]pe[n]te | To la foya e i[n]piastrala sula mo[r]sura leva la r[a]biia[?] e lo | ueneno e guarisse Nasse i[n] te[re]ni fredissimi e p[e]d[r]ossi[?].

De lerba oculus d[omi]ni | Erba oculu d[omi]ni. A p[erson]a che auesse malo de p[e]d[r]a. To | la radice e fane polu[er]e e dagene beu[er]e cu[m] ui[n]o p[er] | spatio de xxx di fa[?] guarito. | Ap[erson]a che auesse la gottta arteticha. | To li foy de q[ue]sta e[r]ba e cosele i[n] aq[ua] e polemete sule gote | p[er] spatio de xv di fa guarit. It[em] chi auesse u[er]mi i[n] co[r[po | fa polu[ere] de le foye e dagen beu[ere] cu[m] uino s[u]bitto gua[r]isse. Nasse | i[n] t[err]eni magrj p[e]d[r]osi.
Mountain Arteticha Plant – The Mountain Arteticha plant for one who had cold gout at the joints of hands or feet: this plant must be eaten with eggs or other fat food. For one who had dysentery: take this plant and let him eat it, he will soon be healed. For one suffering from female disorders [mal de le matrone]: take this plant and give it to eat and she will soon be healed; this thing has been proven. It grows on cold, grassy and wild ground.

Lesser Lucia Plant – Lesser Lucia Plant [one] of nine, for one who had any kind of wound. Take the leaf of this plant, crush it and put it on the wound: it will soon be healed. For one who was bitten by a snake: take its leaf and make a plaster on the wound; it heals, taking rabies and poison away. It grows on very cold stony ground.

Eye of God [Oculus Domini] Plant. The Eye of God Plant, for one who suffers from stones. Take its root, make a powder of it and give it to drink with wine for thirty days: he will be healed. For one suffering from arthritic gout: take the leaves of this plant, cook them in water and then put it on the gout for fifteen days; it heals. For who had internal worms: make a powder of its leaves and give it to drink with wine; he will soon be healed. It grown on thin, stony ground.

Thanks to Davidsch for pointing out a transcription error.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Corpus Christi College MS 395 - Catalan Lunaria

In my previous post, I mentioned a version of the Hermetic Lunaria essay that was pointed out to Vera Segre Rutz by Michela Pereira: Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 395, Catalan, XV Century. The text of the essay occupies f48v and f49r.

Since the scans that are currently available online are too low-resolution to read, I have contacted "Parker on the web" an interactive, web-based workspace designed to support use and study of the manuscripts in the historic Parker Library at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge - managed by the Corpus Christi College and the Stanford University. They have been very friendly and helpful. The following images are published by kind permission of the Master and Fellows of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge.

Link to larger image

Link to larger image

Thirteen properties of the plant are described, in a crescendo of magical powers that culminates in an almost eschatological vein. The marginal annotations (apparently in the same hand as the main text) are also interesting: the mention of Raimundus confirms the Pseudo-Lullian context of this manuscript. The text is largely different from the other versions I have seen, but there also is an overlap with the Trinity and Wellcome versions (e.g. the rejuvenating of hair, or the instructions to forge a magical ring).

[f48v] Hic sequ[nt]ur virtutes Lunarie pro ut hab[entu]r | (1) in libris hermetis | [Q]uedam est planta que d[i]c[unt][?] borisas larthii / in latino vero vocatur | lunaria / et a[lio]o.[mod]o mortagon grece eam vocatur Eliotro- | pia / in arabico et caldeo Iburnica in saracenico mar- | gaton [christ]iani in lingua romana vocant eam herbam pibis [?] | alli pit Judei salinania / hac herba est similis maio- | rame atque vocatur vinraducis[?] Cuius folia celestis coloris | similia foliis viticelle vel muselle sive pedis colum- | bine Et hec berba nascit[u]r sine folio / et egredit de t[er-] | ra foliis nuda / et in primo augmenti lune habet unum folium | et sequentibus diebus usque ad quindecimum diem lunarem nas- | cit[u]r ei folium / et post xvm diem cum luna minuitur folia eius minu- | intur quolibet die unum / et ultimo remanet nuda sicut primo | exivit de terra / et semp[er] nascitur in pratis vel in ripis flu- | morum / aut in altibus mo[n]tanis / et h[ab]et stipitem altam rubeam | et eius folium est rotundum sicut esset fironus[?] argenti et est fissum sive | c[re]patum circumquoque et eius fissura sive c[re]patura est rubea / sed fo- | lium eius utrumque p[ar]te c[re]patum est viride / flores eius citrine sive | crocee / et h[abe]t lac croceum / ut est lac celidonie / et odor e[ius] ut | musc[us] / et ascend[i]t contra aquam et c[re]scit i[n] magna quantitate. / et in xv die | [f48v] Here follow the virtues of Lunaria as described (1) in the book of Hermes. There is a certain plant that the Larthes call[?] Borisas. Truly in Latin it is called Lunaria and also Mortagon. In Greek it is called Eliotropia. In Arabic and Chaldean Iburnica. In Saracen Martagon. In the Roman language, Christians call it Herba Pibis[?] or Pit. The Hebrews call it Salinania. This plant is similar to Marjoram also called Vinraducis[?]. Its leaves are of a bluish color, similar to the leaves of a small vine, or of Musella[?] or of Geranium Columbinum. This plant is born without leaves and sprouts naked of leaves from the earth. In the first waxing of the moon, it has a single leaf and in the following days, until the fifteenth Lunar day, more leaves grow; after the fifteenth day, as the moon wanes, its leaves also decrease, one each day. Finally, it remains as naked as it first sprouted from the earth. It always grows in meadows or on the shores of rivers or on high mountains. It has a high red stem. Its leaf is rounded like a silver florin[?], fissured and cracked all around. Its fissures or cracks are red but its leaf, cracked on both sides, is green. Its flowers are lemon-like i.e. yellow. It has a yellow milk, like the milk of Celandine. It smells like musk and it floats upstream and it grows in large quantities. In the fifteenth day
lune h[abe]t omnes suas virtutes et p[r]oprieta[tes]. quae sun xiii / Prima | (2) e[ius] [vir]tus est quod si tra[hi]tur et succus eius extrahitur in quo succo bulliar mercurius | cum sanguine uppupe / et de isto mercurio fiet c[onver]si[?] lapis ruffus | Scias ferme quod de succo dentur esse due par[te]s . et de mercurio una | (3) et de sanguine po[ne][?] ut h[ab]ere poteris | Unus pondus istius pulverisati | pone super C. Veneris fusi et to[tu]m in solem con[ver]tit Secunda [vir]tus | est si sumatur pulveres mercurii et gumi arabici pulverisati | atque p[ostea][?] distempera hos pulveres cum succo dicte herbe / q[ui]bus | dissolutis d[ebe]t poni in alembico vit[re]o super ignem lentum per tres | dies n[atu]rales sic quod fumus inde extat / et pone super lunam et di- | veniet sol / et si de pulvere solis ponar super Jovis deveniet sol | Tertia proprietas est ista / extrahitur succus de radice eius | of the moon, it has all its virtues and properties, which are thirteen. The First (2) of its virtues is that, if it is picked up and its juice is extracted and Mercury is boiled in this juice with hoopoe blood, this Mercury is turned[?] into a red Stone. Know firmly that two parts of juice must be used and one part of Mercury; (3) use[?] all the blood that you can get. Put a pound of this [Stone] pulverized on the melted Body of Venus [i.e. Copper] and it will be turned into the Sun [i.e. Gold]. The Second virtue is this: take Mercury powder and pulverized gum arabic and mix these powders with the juice of this plant; when they are dissolved, put all in a glass alembic upon a slow fire for three full days, in such a way that it smokes: put it on the Moon [i.e. Silver] and it is turned into the Sun [i.e. Gold]. If the powder of the Sun is put on Jupiter [i.e. Tin], it is turned into the Sun. The Third property is this: the juice of its root is extracted
[f49r] et ponar super martem et facit id mollis ita q[uod] funditur q[uod] reducitur | ad limam / de qua li[m]a si sup[er] ponar mercurius fit inde lapis [et cetera]. | Quarta est ista si de e[ius] foliis fiat pulveris et recipiatur | coclear plenum succi spiccanardi et ponar super caput et tenear | (4) p[er] quinque dies facit capillos albos cadere et r[e]venire ni- | gros / dum tamen utar tenens de[be]ris 5 diebus lacte vacarum bi- | bendo vel comedendo / et de quo quicumque acceperit de hac plan- | ta ad pondus unius lentis cum [...] supia[?] et clauserit in | vase per tres dies / et ex ip[s]o biberit per aliquot dies ad pon- | dus trium carubiarum pili eius cani cadent / et si sint albi nas- | centur nigri / si pro cibo cum lacte vacce de illo per tres dies | morum sumatur. et ita homo postea Juvenescet Quinta est | (5) hac si patiens quartanam utar succo eius foliorum curab[itu]r perfecte | cuiuscunque c[on]ditionis existat Sexta cum succo pred[ict]o perfecte | o[mni]a vulnera sanantur. Septima quod si succus predictus misceatur cum san- | guine serpentis femelle qua habuerit serpenticulos vel cum san- | guine eiusdem et de ipsis oculi ungantur reddit visus dum | tenes oculi corupti non existant Octava si de succo eius po[natu]r | [f49r] and it is put on Mars [i.e. Iron]; it makes it so soft that it melts. This should be reduced to a powder by filing. If Mercury is put on this powder, you get the [philosopher's] Stone [et cetera]. The Fourth is this: if a powder is made of its leaves and a full spoon of juice of spike lavender is taken and put on the head and kept (4) for five days, white hair falls and black hair comes back. Anyway, while you use this, you must have cow milk to drink or to eat for five days. Take the weight of one lentil of this plant […] and close it in a jar for three days and drink the weight of three carobs of it for several days: gray hair will fall and if there is white hair, black hair will grow. [It must be] taken as food for three days together with cow milk. In this way a man is rejuvenated. The Fifth is this: if one suffers (5) from quartan [fever], [let him] take the juice of its leaves and he will be perfectly healed, whatever his conditions. Sixth: with the above mentioned juice, all wounds are perfectly healed. Seventh: if the above mentioned juice is mixed with the blood of a female snake that has had small snakes, or with their[?] blood, and the eyes are oiled with this, it returns sight; until you keep it, your eyes will not be sick. Eighth: if its juice is put into
in aure facit hominem intelligere aves et animalia Nona si | ha[be]at aliquod anulum aureum et ibi ponar folium dicte herbe per[?] | de super lapis de sua propria proprietate. et in manu dextra | teneatur inclusus ho[min]em reddit invisi[bi]lem. Decima si fiat | anulus aureus et ponar de la[pi]de mercurij et folium e[ius] desup[er] | et anulus ponar in aliquo digito pedis dextri / Cogitet por- || tantem ubi eam voluerit / et illico ibi erit Undecima si tan- | gatur aliquem vel aliquam in spatula dextra cum dicto anulo concedit | quicquid a se petitum fuerit Duodeci[m]a portans etiam est | potens et gratiosus et ab o[mn]ibus dilectus Decima 3a eius | folia seras tartari aperit et eius radix claudit. Explicit | Nota quod omnes iste virtutes sunt vere sed non ad l[itte]ram[?] | quae he[rb]e et plu[r]es alie sunt virtutes lapidis ph[ilosoph]orum / et qui | ip[s]am herbam probaverit sciet me verum scripsisse | etiam figura ipsius herbe sequitur in foliis seque[n]tibus. the hears, a man can understand birds and animals. Ninth: if you have a golden ring and you put [on it] a leaf of this plant and[?], above it, the Stone of its virtue, and [the ring] is kept closed in your right hand, you will be made invisible. Tenth: make a golden ring and put the stone of Mercury and the leaf [of this plant] on it; wear the ring on any toe of your right foot; think where you want it to take you and you will immediately be there. Eleventh: if you touch a man or a woman with that ring on the right shoulder he or she will give you whatever you ask for. Twelfth: whoever wears [the ring] is powerful and pleasant and loved by everybody. Thirteenth: its leaf opens the gates of the underworld and its root closes them. The end. Note that all these virtues are true but not exhaustive[?] of this plant and that the philosopher's stone has many other virtues. Whoever has tried this plant knows that I have written the truth. A figure of this plant follows in the following pages.
Marginal annotations:
(1) ista h[er]ba est illa p[ri]ma | m[ateri]a de qua philosophi infinita | scripserunt p[ro]p[ter] virtutem | eius occultam cum qua sa- | nantur omnes infirmita[tes] | et componitur lapidis p[re]tiosi | aurum per argentum et res | ceteres in ... ... | per diversas informationes | et hic metaphorice sub | h[er]be spe[cie] docetur 

(2) Nota quod ista prima virtus est compo[sitio] | lapidis phi[losophi]ci mistico mo[do] | seu enigmatice declarato

(3) Nota quod mira[bi]le [...] magis quam mira[bi]le | intelligenti / [...] non intellige | p[r]o upupa ave

(4) hoc tenet raimondus et in | sua S[anc]ta . essen[ti]a . affirmat | et barto[lus][?] in lib[r]o de regime | senium ubi tractat de | borisa et de calo[r]e faciente[?] | ho[mi]nes t[em]p[er]ate complexionis

(5) et non solum quartanam | curat sed om[ne]s infirmitates | etiam desp[er]atas / nisi deus | c[ontra]dixerit
Marginal annotations:
(1) This plant is that First | Matter about which philosophers wrote | infinitely because of its occult | powers. By it, all illnesses | are healed | and the gold of the precious stone | is made from silver | et cetera. [...] | by several sources | and here it is discussed metaphorically | under the appearance of a plant.

 (2) Note that this first virtue is the making | of the philosopher's stone, discussed in a mystic | or enigmatic way.

 (3) Note that this is a marvel. More than a marvel | to the reader who[?] cannot understand[?] the meaning | of the hoopoe bird. 

(4) So says Raymond: | he states this in his “Holy Essence.” | Also Bartolus[?] in his book “The Rule | of Old Age” in which he writes | about Borisa and about heat restoring[?] | men to a temperate complexion.

 (5) It not only cures quartan [fever] | but all illnesses.

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Trinity College MS O.2.48 – The Hermetic Lunatica

Cambridge, Trinity College MS O.2.48 is a late XIV Century herbal which is thought to have been written in Germany. Rene Zandbergen has linked the digital scans on the forum. 

The discussion of Herba Lunatica / Borixa starts at f96v and ends at f97v. The plant is not illustrated, but the first lines of the text are interlaced with the roots of an illustration of Verbena (the subject of the pages preceding the Lunatica essay).

Illustration of Vervain and first lines of the Lunatica / Borixa essay

Vera Segre Rutz discusses a similar Latin text in “Gli Erbari di Ermete” (in “Hermetism from late antiquity to humanism” - Lucentini, Parri, Perrone-Compagni eds. - 2004). The manuscripts mentioned in the paper attribute the text to Hermes Trismegistus with the title “Capitulum Hermetis sapientissimi de arbore qui dicitur borissa id est lunatica” (Essay by the most wise Hermes about the tree that is called Borissa i.e. Lunatica). Segre Rutz lists six manuscripts that include this text, noting that the differences between them are “numerous and significant”:
  • London, Arundel 342 – Italian? - before 1361 (the text is appended to the Latin version of the Kyranides)
  • Vatican, Pal. Lat. 1339 – XV Century
  • Volterra, Guarnacci 5399 – XV Century
  • Bethlehem, Lehigh University 1 – Catalan - XV Century
  • Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 395 – Catalan - XV Century (a much longer version of the Lunatica essay, pointed out to Segre Rutz by Michela Pereira; this ms also features several illustrations of Lunaria)
  • London, Wellcome Institute 261 – Italian - XVI Century? (this ms apparently contains an illustrated herbal) (Les Enluminures) presents another XV Century Italian manuscript that apparently has been recently sold on the market.

The fact that the Trinity ms apparently includes a second XIV Century copy of the Lunatica essay could be of a certain interest. This version is considerably longer than the version transcribed by Segre Rutz (Wellcome ms 261). I have been unable to access the Corpus Christi ms in order to understand if the two extended versions are similar.

The overall structure of the essay is the following:
  1. Title, description of the plant and of its relation with the waxing and waning of the Moon.
  2. Incantation / prayer one should recite when picking the plant (missing in the Wellcome ms).
  3. Alchemical use of the plant for the transmutation of metals and more details on the appearance of the plant.
  4. The plant as an elixir of youth.
  5. List of specific locations in which the plant can be found (missing in the Wellcome ms). The fact that the most specific locations are in Northern Italy could suggest that (this version of) the text was written there.
  6. How to use the gold produced with Lunatica to make a magical ring granting dominion on people and demons. The Trinity ms includes several other uses of the ring. The Wellcome ms includes a description of an image to be engraved on the ring: such description is missing in the Trinity ms. 
It is also noteworthy that the title of the chapter is different in the Trinity ms: instead of the attribution to Hermes, the prayer (precantio) to be recited when picking the plant is mentioned.

In the following transcription and translation, I have highlighted in bold the passages in which the Trinity and Wellcome manuscripts are closer.

Trinity College MS O.2.48 Wellcome MS 261
[96v] precantio herbe lunatice alij borixeam dicunt alii borixam. alij bona | mitos alij herba constantini. alij lucernalis. quod eius flos et herba tota | lucet in nocte. et pastoribus videntibus eam lucens in nocte quasi | pavescunt quod putant illam esse fantasmata. hac herba est similis maio | rane cuius folia celestis coloris similis foliis viticelle . sunt ro | tunda ad modum denariorum. hac una herba nascitur sine foliis a nove | lunio usque ad plenitudinem lune cotidie unum folium producit. | … medietate mensis lunaris. xv habet folia. deinde [?] cum luna | deminuitur cotidie unum folium amitit. donec sine foliis pe | [97r] nitus denudata Capitulum Hermetis sapientissimi de arbore que dicitur borissa id est lunatica, que est similis folie maiurane, cuius folia celestis colloris similia sunt foliis viticelle, hec quidem nascitur sine foliis a prima Luna usque ad plenum Lune quotidie unum folium producit et sic usque ad medium mensis lunaris 14 habet folia. Deinde cum Luna minuatur quotidie folium unum perdit donec sit foliis penitus denudata sicut fuit procreata.
(+) unum accipiens [?] hanc herbam cum hoc car[mine?] | et vade ad eam mundus et nitidus sic ut de […] et […] | orientem. O magne Rex adonay in cuius sunt omnes potestates et virtu | tes et medicamina omnium herbarum. per omnia sancta nomina tua. et per glorio | sam assensionem tuam ac ressiurectionem et per beatissimam virginem mariam | matrem tuam desponsatam ioseph. te deprecor ut non custodias ad | peccata mea nec ad miseriam meam. sed custioas ad misericordiam | ac pietatem tuam. ut des huic herbe omnes virtutes et omnes potestates | ut qui de hac herba […] habet virtutem efficacem[?] . per te regnante | dominus per infinita secula seculorum amen. + hic signes eam post evellendo | eam dicas hac sancta nomina dei. alpha et omega. agla. octinomos tetragrammaton. | pantoncraton. Emanuel. Enecphaton + . ya vau. Rex [...] . et per semper [...] altera[?] inmortalis agnus inmaculatus sabaoth. | hoc dicendo flexis genibus evelle ipsam uno ictu. Qui tali modo | hanc herbam carminaverit eam tenebit quod sine hac precationem hec | erba evanessetur ante te. et ipsa collecta amiteres ipsam. Quia | a te fugeret +
De hac herba accipe et eius sucum extrahe in quo suco | mercurium fac bolire et fit lapis rubeus. et de hac lapide pone super […] et | fiet sol. et de hoc sole pone unam partem super C eius et fiet[?] sol. | Item de radice huius herbe fac pulverem vel de eius stipite. et de hac pulvere | pone super saturnum uncie[?] i super C et fiet optimus sol . Item de […] | herba cum sua radice fac pulverem si est […] ut non habet[?] sucum. | Et pone de hac pulvere uncie[?] i super C . eius et fiet optima luna. Et de hac luna si posueris uncie[?] i super C saturni. fiet sol […] | Hac herba nascitur in montibus et in ripis fluminum. […] | folia sunt rotunda ad modum denariorum[?]. lignum eius ru[be?]um […] | et sucus eius similiter. et eius folia sunt similima in colore […] | viola[rum?] ipsius odor est[?] . ut odor musci. […] | [97v] […] et virtuti in sole. et de ipso sole pone super | […] sol de quo sole simile si super saturnum posueris ut [...] est | […] fiet sol. Item de suco radicis huius herbe. unge ferrum | et fiet luna. Accipe igitur hanc herbam et eius succum extrahe in quo mercurium fac bullire et fiat lapis rubeus et de hoc lapide proice supra cuprum id est ramum et fiat aurum cuius V° pars super centum. Hec erba nascitur in ripis fluminum et in montibus cuius folia sunt rotunda ad modum dinariorum lignum eius est rubeum et flos eius est citrinus et eius odor sicut muschii et habet lac simile croco. Accipe aquam huius erbe quam terendo et comprimendo extrahe et pone super argentum et vertitur in aurum optimum et de hoc accipe partem unam et pone super plumbum et fiet aurum et de radice huius herbe extrahe succum terendum et unge ferrum aridum et exinde mollificabit fietque lime et de hac lima pone super mercurium et fiet lapis. Accipe de foliis eius et sicca et pone inde super argentum et fiet aurum et si exinde super es posueris fiet luna
Item de pulvere huius herbe vel radicis. pondus unius carobie. | accipiatur. et ponatur cum eoque[?] pondere de spica nardi. et ligni[?] aloes. et mirre. | […]. et de hac quis biberit per ix dies pondus trium carubiorum . Omnes pilli | albi et cani cadent. et nigri[?] nascentur. et totum corpus eius efficietur quasi | in forma et etate xxx annorum. et in illo robore erit. Et in | hos ix dies scit[?] dieta ut lac vacinum et suco […]. et lac | amigdalarum. Et in hos ix dies stet in thalamo oscuro ut aliquem | splendor diei scit. et si de ipso pulvere ponderis unius carube acciperis et equo pondere cum spica romana mescueris et in urina posueris de ipso usque ad octo dies quotidie biberis pondere unius unzie, vel carube omnes albi pilli de tuo corpore cadent et in loco eorum nigri nascentur et infra hos octo dies sit dieta tua in lacte vacce dulci et ita de sene fiet fortis et iuvenis et si vis ad lumen oculorum mirablilem reddit visum
Hec dicunt herba invensta[?] fuit a pastoribus | quod […] pastores per hanc herbam sciunt renovationem lunationis. | Et nascitur in montibus magnis sasoxis. et specialiter in illis montibus | invenitur ubi currunt flumina. Quidam eam[?] inveniunt circa aliquas | insulas maris. Item inveniuntur in monte qui dicitur laguarda. quod est super bono | niam. et in ex partia et in monte quod dicitur montbon quod est inter florencem | et bononiam. et in monte habraham quod est super veronam. et in cicilia. | et in apullia. Item invenitur in quodam insula maris ethiopie. qua dicitur | sene et in quodam monte quod est in barbaria.
Item de sole facto[?] huius herbe | fac anulum in quo pone margaritam. et sub illa margarita sit de radice | fu[?] si quis hanc anulum super se portaverit omnes homines et mulieres. et | [...] demones obedient ei. Et si quis demoniacus ad collum suum | habuit liberabitur ademonio et fugient ab eo. et dicet […] | […] sua. Ad partum mulieris. Item si hoc anulum | suspenderis[?] ad coxia mulieris parturientis cito pariet et absque | dolore. Ad caducos. Item si quis caducus in digito suo | […] dextera manus habuit[?] numquam cadet. Quis super se habuit[?] numquam dentes doleb[unt?] | […] tenuerit propter magnum calorem non faciet |[...] caloris quod [...] propter febres in estivo tempore. et si vis omnes demones et homines obedient tibi fac de dicto auro facto de dicta erba fieri anulum in quo ponas unam de margaritis quas tinxisti in qua fac scolpire imaginem bovis que habet caput ad similitudinem piscis et cauda sit sicut cauda pavonis. Deinde cum cera virginea lavetur cum aqua celesti callida et quod decima pars huius aque callide remaneat postea distilletur. Explicit.

Trinity College MS O.2.48 Wellcome MS 261
[96v] Enchantment of the Lunatica plant, others call it Borixea, others Borixa, others Bonamitos, | others plant of Constantine, others Lucernalis, because its flowers and the whole plant | shine in the night, and the shepherds , seeing it shine in the night, are almost | afraid, mistaking it for phantoms. This plant is similar to marjoram | whose leaves are of a bluish color, they are similar to the leaves of Viticella. They are round like coins. This plant is born without leaves, From the new | moon to the full moon, it produces a new leaf every day. | [In the?] middle of the Lunar month, it has fifteen leaves. Then, as the moon wanes, it loses a leaf every day, until it is without leaves, thoroughly [97r] denuded. Essay by the most wise Hermes about the tree that is called Borissa i.e. Lunaticawhich has leaves similar to Marjoram, whose leaves, of a blue color, are similar to the leaves of Viticella. Indeed it is born without leaves; from the first Moon to the full Moon, it produces a leaf every day until, at the middle of the Lunar month, it has fourteen leaves. Then, as the Moon wanes, it loses a leaf every day, until it is thoroughly denuded of leaves, as it was procreated.
+ Pick[?] this plant with this prayer[?] | and go to it being clean and neat as […] | Eastward. O Great King Adonay in whom are all powers and | virtues and the medicines of all plants, for all your sacred names, for your glorious | ascension and resurrection, for your very blessed mother | the Virgin Mary, wife of Joseph, I pray you: do not observe | my sins nor my misery, but observe your mercy | and compassion. Give to his plant all virtues and all powers. | Let he who [picks?] this plant benefit[?] of its effective virtue. By you, Lord, ruling for infinite ages, amen. + Here sign it and, after plucking | it, say these sacred names of God: Alpha and Omega, Agla, Octinomos, Tetragrammaton, | Pantoncraton, Emmanuel, Enecphaton + ya vau King [...] and forever […] [?] immortal, immaculate lamb, Sabaoth. Saying these words, kneeling, pluck it with a single strike. Whoever prayed | the plant in this way, will be able to keep it. Because, without this prayer, this | plant will disappear in front of you: even if it was picked, you will lose it, because | it will flee from you. +
Take this plant and extract its juice. Boil mercury | in this juice and a red stone will be produced. Put some of this stone on […] | and the Sun [i.e. gold] will be produced. Put part of this Sun on its body [?Corpus] and the Sun will be produced. | Make powder of the root or stem of this pant, and put one ounce[?] | of this powder on Saturn [i.e. lead] on its body[?] and an excellent Sun will be produced. | Make a powder of this plant, if it is so [dry?] that it has no juice. | Put one ounce[?] of this powder on its body[?] and an excellent Moon [i.e. silver] will be produced. And if you put one ounce[?] of this Moon upon the body[?] of Saturn, the Sun will be produced […] | This plant grows on the mountains and the shores of rivers. […] | [Its?] leaves are round like coins. Its wood is red […] | and its juice similarly. | And its leaves are very similar in color […] | of violets. Its smell is like the smell of musk. […] | [97v] […] put of this Sun on | […] the Sun, of which Sun similarly […] as if you put it on Saturn, | the Sun is produced. Oil iron with the juice of this plant and the Moon will be produced. Take then of this plant and extract its juice in which you will boil mercury, a red stone will be produced. Put of this stone on Cuprum i.e. Copper and gold will be produced by a five percent of it. This plant grows on the shores of rivers and on mountains. Its leaves are round like coins. Its wood is red and its flower is citric [yellow?] with a smell like musk. It has a milk similar to Crocus. Take the water that you extract from this plant by rubbing and compressing ant put it on silver and it will change into excellent gold. Take a part of this [gold] and put it on lead and gold will be produced. Extract juice of this plant by rubbing and oil dry iron, it will become soft. Make powder by filing and put of this powder on Mercury, the Stone will be produced. Take its leaves, dry them and then put them on silver, gold will be produced. If you then put it on Es[?], the Moon will be produced.
Take the powder of this plant or of its root, the weight of one carob, | together with the same quantity of Spica Nardi and aloe wood and myrrh. | If one drinks of it the weight of three carobs for nine days, all the white | and gray hair will fall, and black [hair] will grow. All his body will be transformed almost | in the shape and age of thirty years, and he will have the same strength. During | those nine days, one should have a diet of cow milk, and juice [of …] and almond | milk. During those nine days, one should stay in a dark bedroom [without?] any | daylight. And if you take the weigh of one carob of that powder and mix it with the same weight of Spica Romana and put it into urine and for eight days drink of it daily the weigh of one ounce or carob, all the white hair will fall from your body; in their place, black hair will grow. During those eight days, your diet will be of sweet cow milk: in this way, from old you will become strong and young and, if you want, it wonderfully restores sight to the light of the eyes.
They say this plant was found by the shepherds, | because […] shepherds can tell the phase of the Moon by [observing] this plant. | It grows on great stony mountains, in particular it is found on those mountains | on which rivers flow. Somebody found it in some islands | of the sea. It is found on the mountain called Laguarda [La Guardia?], which is above Bologna, | and in the surrounding areas, and on the mountain called Montbon, which is between Florence and Bologna, and on the Habraham mountain, which is above Verona, and in Sicily, | and in Apulia. It is also found in some island in the Sea of Ethiopia and on some mountain in Barbaria.
Of the Sun [i.e. gold] made with this plant | make a ring in which you shall put a pearl, and under that pearl a bit of Fu [i.e. Valerian] root. | If one wears that ring upon himself, all men and women and | devils will obey him. And if one was possessed by the devil and had | [this ring] at his neck, he will be freed and the devils will flee from him. […] | For women giving childbirth: if this ring | is hanged to the tights of a woman giving birth, the childbirth will be fast and without | pain. For the epileptics: if one was epileptic and had it at his finger | […] of the right hand, he will never fall. If one has it upon himself, his teeth will never ache. | […] because of the great heat […] | because of fevers during summertime. And if you want that all devils and men obey you, have a ring made of the said gold of the said plant in which you will put one of the pearls that you imbued. Have the image of an ox with a head like a fish and a tail like the tail of a peacock engraved on it. Then it should be washed with virgin wax and hot rain water: a tenth of the remaining rain water should be distilled. The end.

Monday, 15 May 2017

Brescia Ms B.V.24 – Herba Caspitres

Brescia, Biblioteca Queriniana, Ms B.V.24 is a XV Century manuscript written in North-Western Italy. Two pages from the manuscript have been published in “Di Sana Pianta”, Modena, 1988.

This page contains four plants from the “Alchemical Herbal”: Caspitres (#66, Caspetres, in the list published by Segre Rutz - “Il Giardino Magico degli Alchimisti”), Arteticha Montana (#51 Artetica montaria), Lucia Minore (#47 Herba Bazea minor et de nouem una), Oculus Domini (#54).

I present the description of the first plant, which, together with a medical use, includes an interesting magical application.

Link to larger image

Transcription: De lerba Caspitres | L'Erba caspitres achi non po fa ventosita di sotto. To questa | erba dagene beuere /o/ manzare. Subito petezara /e/ non fara | may altro che petezare fin che non sia fora la uentositade. | E se tu uo andare inuisibile. To questa erba pontela in bocha /e/ tene | schiusa la bocha non ha persona che te possa videre. / nasse alamarina. /

Translation: About the Caspitres plant | The Caspitres plant for who cannot make wind from below. Take this | plant and give it to drink or eat: he will immediately fart and he will do nothing | but fart until all windiness is out. | And if you want to go around invisible, take this plant and put it in your mouth and keep | your mouth open: nobody will be able to see you. It grows near the sea.

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Trinity College MS O.2.48 – Barthifos

Cambridge, Trinity College MS O.2.48 is a late XIV Century herbal which is thought to have been written in Germany. Rene Zandbergen has linked the digital scans on the forum.

The text about Herba Barthifos or Barthifas (f94v) is partly lost because the outer margin of the folio is worn.

Transcription: Nomen herbe barthifas. greci dicunt sc[r]onos. | ebrayci landufius vocant. tartari vocant | eam columbanes. herba ista [?] in india nascens | folia huius formata ut manus unam | […] huius in qua sunt folia ab utraque parte | […] cum floribus purpureis semen simile | […]. odorem bonum habens et suave | […] sicata et in pulvere reddata et | […] cum vino allio | […] vini bibita per xv dies. | […] sanat [?] efficacissime. semen huius herbe | […] multa ciatos duos et semen a is | […] potiu jeiuno per ix dies ydropices | […] sanat. flos eius si a mulier | […] vino mero statim menstrum imperat. | Lege eam mense augusti. | Nomen herbe | barthifos | ii [sunt?] species

Translation: The name of the plant is Barthifas, the Greek call it Scronos, | the Hebrew call it Landufius, the Tartar call | it Columbanes. This [?] plant grows in India. | Its leaves are shaped like hands. | […] with leaves on both sides | […] with purple flowers. Its seed is like | […] It has a good and delicate smell. | […] Dried and reduced into powder and | […] with wine, with garlic [?] | […] drunk with wine for fifteen days | […] is very effective in healing [?]. The seed of this plant | with much […] two ciatos [i.e. three ounces] and the seed [?] | […] drunk without food for nine days heals hydropsy. | […] If a woman [drinks?] its flowers | […] with pure wine, menses are immediately provoked. | Pick it in the month of August. | [To the right ot the illustration:] The name of the plant is Barthifos. | There are two kinds [of this plant].

Trinity College MS O.2.48 – Conoriel

Cambridge, Trinity College MS O.2.48 is a late XIV Century herbal which is thought to have been written in Germany. Rene Zandbergen has linked the digital scans on the forum. Herba Conoriel (246r top) looks more similar to Dandelion than the previously discussed Dabelion. The paragraph is also interesting because Latin names for the plant are provided (Oculus Bovis and Lactuca Asinina).

Link to larger image

Transcription: Nomen herbe Conoriel Greci stakis | Ebrayci leueyr. Nascitur montibus calidis | sine stipite crescit. folia similia infoliis | sponse solis. plures uocant eam oculus bovis | vel lactuca asininia. florem facit croceum [?] brevem [?]. | radicem nigrum longam. totam herba lac emitit album. | […] cum aceto […] comesta | ieiuno epar et splen et tota interiora per dies xxx. | omnino sanat. et si totum epar esset putridum. sanaretur | lege eam mense aprilis vel madij

Translation: The name of the plant is Conoriel, Stakis in Greek, | Leueyr in Hebraic. It grows on hot mountains, | without a stem, with leaves similar to the leaves | of Sponsa Christi. Many call it Oculus Bovis | or Lactuca Asinina. It makes a short [?] yellow [?] flower. | The root is black and long. All the plant produces a white milk. | […] Eaten with vinegar, | without food, for thirty days, it entirely heals the liver, the spleen and all entrails. | And if the liver were all rotten, it will be healed. | Pick it in the month of April or May.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Laurenziana Redi 165: erba lapatio

Firenze, Laurenziana ms Redi 165 dates to the first half of the XV Century and was likely produced in Northern Italy. The page presented here discusses Rumex mainly as a cure for skin diseases.

Link to larger image

Transcription: Erba lapatio cioe romite magiore sono ditre romice salvaticha edimesticha cioe romice marina | Et moltane, Nascie in molti luoghi sabinosi terreni Et innorti Et inuie lasua radice colta e pusta | consugna diporco posta adanghuinaie subito macera eapre ongni malore lefoglie colle | barbe cotta innqacqua dorzo data abere ebuona allo chatarro Et ronpe emacera ongni | postrema dipetto ilseme manichato ebuona alluvola acchi discende affalla ritornare insu | o stato e buona adongni malore arrongna eschabia lavandosene colla cocitura dove con | laradisina sua inpero [?] ebuona alebrosi mondare emitichare lepiaghe loro lodotture lapro | va a molte uertu buone provate :---

Translation: Lapathum or Greater Rumex is of three [kinds] i.e. Wild Rumex and Domestic Rumex: Maritime and | Mountain Rumex. It grows in many places, on sandy grounds, in gardens and along the roads. Its root, crushed with | pork fat, placed on the groin, immediately macerates and opens any lesion. Leaves and | roots, cooked with boiled barley, are good to drink to cure phlegm; this also breaks and macerates the | apostemes of the breast. Cooked seeds are good for those whose uvula dropped, making it revert to | its ordinary position. It is good for any disease, scabies and mange, if one washes with water boiled with eggs [?] and its | small roots. Is is also [?] good for leprosy, cleaning and soothing the wounds: the physician tried | this. It has many good and tried virtues :---

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Trinity College MS O.2.48 - Dabelion

Cambridge, Trinity College MS O.2.48 is a late XIV Century herbal which is thought to have been written in Germany. Rene Zandbergen has linked the digital scans on the forum. The manuscript is in part an ordinary copy of the collection of texts usually referred to as Pseudo-Apuleius, but a large part of the herbal (from f107r to 250v) presents plants whose names and appearance seem unknown.

A possible exception is the plant illustrated at the bottom of f185v. Unluckily, the right margin of the page is missing and a few words of the text have been lost. As in the case of Herba Romeys, a large part of the text is devoted to describe the properties of a magical stone that can be found inside the root of the plant.

Larger image of the text

Transcription: Nomen herbe Dabelion Greci farney. | [Eb]rayci Surop. Nascitur montibus | […] stipitem huius rubeam rectam. cum Xii. | […] foliis similibus cameleonte agresti. | […] stipitem crocesas rotundis | […] flore facit | […] unum fere smile fragiure sed longiora | […] radice nigram grossam rotundam. in qua radice | invenitur […] lapidem albam grossa fere avellana | [186r] Ille [?] lapidem gestant peryuvat hominem abomni macula oculorum | et abomni veneno et malocibo et ab omnibus face [?] malis | et si quis erit exterminatus. habet hanc lapidem super se | [?] cum uxore poterit nubere. | Simile prestat concordiam inter vir et mulier. | Et si quis portas non sentiet dolorem | renum nec splenis. nec morbum caducus | pacietur. Fructus uno vel herba mixta [?] et cum ysopo […] sumptam | in potu vel cibo et epatem et pulmo | nem yllico sanat. cum aqua | cicorie et boraginis floris et tamarindi bullitur usque ad | tercias et per dies vii sumitur | omnes […] paraliticos sanat. | Lege eam mense augusti.

Translation [with tentative interpolations]: The name of the plant is Dabelion, Farney in Greek, | Surop in Hebraic. It grows on the mountains. | […] Its stem [is] red and straight with twelve [?] | […] with leaves similar to Dipsacus [Cameleonta Agrestis]. | [At the end of the] stem [there are] round yellow [flowers?]. | By [this] flower, it makes | a [fruit] almost similar to a strawberry, but longer. | […] The root is black, large and round. Inside this root, | one finds a […?] big white stone almost as big as a hazelnut. | [186r] Wearing this stone protects a man from eyes spots | and from venom and from bad food and from all kinds [?] of evil. | And if one had been dismissed, if he has this stone upon himself | he will be able to marry the woman. | Similarly, it brings harmony between man and woman. | If one brings it, he will not suffer from pain | at his kidneys or at his spleen. He will not suffer | of epilepsy. A fruit or the plant, mixed [?] with hyssop […] and drunk | or eaten, immediately heals the liver and the lungs. Boiled with an infuse of | chicory and flowers of borage and tamarind until | the third [hour] and taken for seven days, | it heals all […] paralytics. | Pick it in August.

It is tempting to think that the name “Dabelion” might derive, like the English “Dandelion”, from the French “dent de lion”. Apparently, the name didn't apply only to Taraxacum (represented in the two examples below), but also to species with a bulbous root, e.g. Leontodon Bulbosus. But the strawberry-like fruits are really hard to explain.

Monday, 1 May 2017

Trinity College MS O.2.48 - Herba Romeys

Cambridge, Trinity College MS O.2.48 is a late XIV Century herbal which is thought to have been written in Germany. Rene Zandbergen has linked the digital scans on the forum. 

Herba Romeys (f210v) is obviously similar to Herba Lucia or Lucea de nouem una, #34 in Segre Rutz' list of alchemical plants (“Il Giardino Magico degli Alchimisti”). The text seems to confirm the existence of a relation. The idea of a magical stone (lapis) inside the dragon-like root could also sound alchemical.

Link to larger image

Transcription: Nomen herbe Romeys greci athar Ebrayci | ygyros. Nascitur in montibus indie maioris | et sunt stirpes huius virides rectas. et in qualem | vi folia similia herbe lucie | quem borixea sed quedam non tantum | flores iocundos [?] volis. | et tota herba est amirabilis | pulcritudinis ut fere hec vis | non posset satirari eam videns. | ex sua pulcritudine. semen | grossum in modus fabe album lucidum | Radix […] similis draconis. | In medio huius radice est quamdam lapis | viridis in magnitudine avellae minoris. | Virtus eius est tanta ut si quis gestas numquam in | itinere fatigabitur. non ab aliqu poterit decipi. | non morbum cauducum numquam sentiet. nec mulier pregnans | non fatigabitur in partu nec sanguis ab eo poterit exire. | smiliter contra omnes hostes [?] eris victor in omnibus | similiter in bello non poteris capi nec mori | Et si quod furtus factus fuit | in domo tua. et sub capite in nocte | tenuiris videberis furem in sompnis. | herba non cumstipabitis sumpta in cibis | [...] dolorem renum tollit et cum | drachma i spice nardi cum vino et mellis sumpta per dies v omnes febres | de quamvis origine sint sanat. Nemo posset dire virtutem huius herbe quem cumparit | fere herbe lucie in omnibus. Lege eam omni tempore quia numquam moruit. Herba redelons ut muscus.

Translation: The name of the plant is Romeys, Athar in Greek, Ygyros | in Hebraic. It grows on the mountains of Greater India | and its stems are green and straight. Its leaves | are somehow similar to those of the Lucia plant | or Borixea, but not much. | The flowers are of a beautiful [?] purple. | The whole plant is of a wonderful | beauty, so much so that one almost can | never be satisfied of looking at it because of its beauty. | The seed [fruit?] | is big like a broad bean, white and shiny. | The root […] is like a dragon. | In the middle of this root there is a green | stone as big as a hazelnut. | Its virtue is such that if one takes it with himself he | will not get tired when traveling; he will not be deceived by anybody; | he will not be affected by epilepsy; a pregnant woman | will not be troubled in childbirth and she will not loose blood during it. | Similarly, [when fighting?] against all enemies you will win them all. | Similarly, in war you will be taken prisoner nor killed. | If there was a theft in your house, and you keep it under your head | at night, you will see the thief in your dreams. | If you eat of the plant with food, you will not be congested. | […] it removes renal pain. | Taking it for five days with a drachma of Lavandula Dentata [Spigum Nardi] and honey heals | all fever whatever its origin. Nobody can tell all the virtues of this plant which is almost identical to | the Lucia plant in all respects. Pick it any time, because it never dies.
[At the right of the illustration:] It smells like musk.

More details about the “Borixea” plant mentioned in the text are provided in this web page by Silvana Ciuonzo of the Naples University: “Capitulum de arbore borissa is a short treatise containing the magical, alchemical and medical explanation of borissa, a plant that belongs to the genre of Lunariae. Although its description seems to correspond to the pictures n. 79 and n. 86 in the manuscript 211 of the Pavia Library, it is probably a mythical herb. Some of its virtues are listed in the De bello iudaico (VII, 180), in Historia animalium, and in the astrological herbarium of Solomon. The borissa is also described in the Hermetic treatises Liber de septem herbis and Liber de virtutibus herbarum decem et novem, attributed to Alexander the Great and Thessalus. The sixteenth-century herbariums of Pietro Antonio Michiel and Conrad Gessner attest the use of this plant in alchemical operations, to fix mercury in silver, the symbol of the Moon.”
The same page provides a list of manuscript containing the essay about Borissa. The alchemical plants 79 and 86 mentioned by Ciuonzo are two types of Lunaria.

Sunday, 30 April 2017

Trinity College MS O.2.48 - Herba Salomonis

Cambridge, Trinity College MS O.2.48 is a late XIV Century herbal which is thought to have been written in Germany. Rene Zandbergen has linked the digital scans on the forum.

Herba Salomonis (54v,55r) is the only plant illustrated by a scene extending on two pages. The plant could be Polygonatum Odoratum, Salomon's seal.
The plant is also called Martagon, however Lilium Martagon does not seem to match the description of the plant.

Transcription: Nomen herbe martagon [?]. herba salomonis. alii ventuosa. ebraici vismatore [usmatore?]. alii eam | vocant lunaticam sed non est. hec herba fuit revelata beato domino agustino | a quondam philosopho propter quamdam nobilissimam mulierem quam erat bona deo et humilis et | habebat quamdam filiam quam vexabatur a demonio. et filium suum similiter. et venit ad beatum | agustinum et dixit ei de filia sua atque de filio suo qui vexabantur a dem | onio. et dixit beatus augustinus ut aciperent de hac herba martagon et | suspenderent ad collum eorum. et sic faciunt et liberati sunt. hac herba na | scitur in montibus saxosis. huic florem coceum. et semina eius sunt rotunda | et nigri et parva ut piper. folia sunt similima morsus demonis. | sed sunt minora. huic odorem ut pullegium. eius radix est nigra. et huic | odorem saliunce. vale similiter hec herba suspensa ad collum contra lunati | cos. et si quis eam super se habuit sanguis ei exire non poterit. nec ab inimico | suo superari non poterit. et si quis succus eius biberit pondus drachmas 5 cum suco | aristologie rotunde per iii dies dorm iet | haec herba qui super se habuit diabolus ei non nocebit.

Translation: The name of the plant is Martagon [?], plant of Salomon, some call it Ventuosa, in Hebraic Vismatore [Usmatore?]. | Some call it Lunatica, but it is not [this plant]. This plant was revealed to the blessed lord Augustine | by some philosopher to help a very noble woman who was faithful to God and humble. | She had a daughter who was vexed by the devil, and her son too. She went to the blessed | Augustine and told him of her daughter and of her son who were vexed by the | devil. The blessed Augustine told them to take this plant Martagon and | hang it around their necks. They did so and they were freed. This plant grows | on stony mountains. Its flower is yellow and its seeds are round | and black and small like Pepper. The leaves are very similar to Devil's Bit [Morsus Diaboli] | but are smaller. Its smell is like that of Fleabane [Pullegium]. Its root is black and smells | like Wild Nard [Saliuncus]. Hanged around one's neck, this plant is helpful against | lunatics [lunacy?]. If one wears it upon himself, his blood cannot be spilled and he cannot be | overcome by his enemy. If one drinks five drachmas of its juice with the juice of | Aristolochia Rotunda, he will sleep for three days. | Whoever has this plant upon himself will not be harmed by the devil.

You can find an extensive discussion of the possible identity of this plant on J.K.Petersen's voyichportal blog.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Heures d'Anne de Bretagne, BNF Lat 9474 – List of Plants

The following is a list of the plants illustrated in BNF Latin 9474 Horae ad usum Romanum, dites Grandes Heures d'Anne de Bretagne (1505-1510). The list was published by Jules Camus in 1894 and is available on

I have added links to the digital scans of the manuscript, replacing Camus' page numbers with the numbers of the digital scans on the BNF site. In the process, the French diacritics have been removed, but I hope the text is still readable.

Img.17 Vingnetier. - Alius agrifolium. - Berberis vulgaris L. Epine-vinette.

Img.19 Becq de grue. - Clavelarie. - Erodium cicutarium L'Her. Cicutaire, aiguille de berger, et, d'apres Jussieu <<Bec de grue>>. - Le nom latin du moyen age clavelarie, derive de clavis ou de clavus, nous indique que les carpelles de cette espece ont ete compares a des chevillettes.

Img.21 Grousse testes. - Cephagrossum. - Scabiosa arvensis L. Scabieuse des champs. - Pour Jussieu, la figure represente l'Aster atticus caerul. vulg. de C. Bauhin.

Img.23 Garoffle. - Specie cardo. - Cynara scolymus L. Artichaut. - Garoffle est une erreur du copiste pour carciofle, d'ou est venu carchouflier (voy. Littre, Dicl.).

Img.25 Sousperantvin. - Species tripholium. - Trifolium rubens L. Trefle rouge. - Qu'est-ce que sousperantvin? Je serais porte a l'interpreter par souspire en vain.

Img.27 grenez de Bletes. - Cicle. - Atriplex hortensis L. Arroche.

Img.29 Polioust. - Pulegium. - Mentha Pulegium L. Pouliot.

Img.33 Ble de Turquie. - Bladus Turquie. - Polygonum fagopyrum L. Sarrasin. - Autant que je sache, nous avons ici la plus ancienne mention du sarrasin en France. Du reste cette plante avait ete introduite en Europe peu de temps avant la Renaissance (voy. De Candolle, Origine des plantes cultivees, p. 280). Dans la chronique de J. Stavelot, ecrite a Liege vers la moitie du XVe siecle, il est parle de <<bleis persiens>> qui probablement ne sont autres que nos bles sarrasins.

Img.35 Camamille. - Camamilla. - Matricaria chamomilla L. Camomille.

Img.37 Peisars. - Specie pisei. - Astragalus glycyphyllos L. Reglisse bastarde. - Jussieu dit <<Pois sauvages>>,

Img.39 Meurdre. - Muleta. - Myrtus communis L. Myrte.

Img.42 Huillet. - Species tunici. - Dianthus caryophyllus L. flore pleno. OEillet giroflee a fleurs doubles.

Img.42 Paqueretez d'eau. - Consolida media. - Pulicaria dysenterica Gaertn. Pulicaire dysenterique.

Img.43 Symballes. - Species prima veri. - Narcissus Pseudo-Narcissus L. Narcisse jaune.

Img.44 Bourrochez.- Boriago (l. Borrago). - Borrago officinalis L, - Bourrache.

Img.48 Framboyses. - Fraxibasia. - Rubus idaeus L. Framboises.

Img.48 grant Consode. - Consolida maior. - Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. Grande marguerite.

Img.49 Botecornille. - Batizora. - Centaurea Cyanus L. Bluet. - Cornille doit etre ici synonyme de cornet, et le nom s'applique sans doute a la forme des fleurs de la circonference du capitule.

Img.52 Pavot rouge. - Papaver rubeum. - Papaver Rhoeas L. Coquelicot.

Img.52 Primeveize. - Species primula verum. - Galanthus nivalis L. Perce-neige. - L'artiste s'est pris la fantaisie de peindre quelques-unes de ces fleurs en bleu.

Img.53 Clochettes. - Simbalaria. - Agraphis nutans Link. Jacinthe des bois.

Img.54 Aspic. - Species lavandule. - Lavandula spica L. Lavande.

Img.58 Fleur negee. - (Le nom latin manque dans le manuscrit.) - Enluminure fantaisiste formee de fleurs bleues d'oeillet simple sur des tiges de coquelicot.

Img.58 Glais d'eau. - Acorus. - Iris pseudacorus L. Flambe d'eau, iris jaune.

Img.59 Flambe. - Yris. - Iris germanica L. Iris violet.

Img.62 Lys blanc. - Lilium. - Lilium candidum L. Lys commun.

Img.62 Roses roges. - Rosa rubea. - Rosa gallica L. Roses de Provins.

Img.63 Ne me obliez mie. - Camepiteos. - Veronica Chamaedrys L. Veronique des bois.

Img.64 Ancollies. - Angelica. - Aquilegia vulgaris L. Ancolie commune (fleurs violacees).

Img.65 Gant nostre Dame. - Species urtica mortua. - Lamium purpureum L. Lamier pourpre.

Img.66 Passe rose. - Nigella. - Lychnis coronaria DC. Coquelourde.

Img.67 Souvienne vous de moy. - Amicalis subventio. - Myosotis palustris With. Ne m'oubliez pas.

Img.68 Ponmier. - Florum pomy. - Malus communis Lam. Fleurs rosees de pommier.

Img.69 Prevanche. - Provinca. - Vinca minor L. Pervenche.

Img.70 Siccoree. - Cicorea. - Cichorium Intybus L. Chicoree sauvage.

Img.71 Responces. - Mella. - Campanula Rapunculus L. Raiponce.

Img.72 franc Muguet. - Croseta lilialis. - Asperula odorata L. Asperule odorante.

Img.73 Flamettes. - Jacea nigra. - Lychnis flos-cuculi L. Fleur de coucou. - Flamette est le diminutif de flamme conserve dans oriflamme c'est-a-dire que les petales de la jolie fleurette ont ete, par une heureuse comparaison, regardes comme de petits etendards roses.

Img.74 Soussicle. - Calandula. - Calendula arvensis L. Souci.

Img.75 Passeveloux. - Passivelocm (l. Passivelotum). - Celosia cristata L. Amarante crete de coq.

Img.76 Norilles franches. - Corulus. - Corylus maxima Miller. Noisettes franches, cultivees.

Img.77 Picot. - Pes corvi. - Ranunculus bulbosus L. ou R. acris L. Renoncule des pres. - Selon M. E. Rolland (Fl. pop. varietes bibl., p. 17) le terme de picot (= pied de coq) s'applique encore a ces especes, dans les environs d'Amboise. D'apres Desvaux (Flore de l'Anjou), ce serait aussi le nom du Ranunculus parviflorus L.

Img.78 Jalousie. - Zelotipie. - Delphinium Consolida L. Pied d'alouette. - Generalement c'est a l'Amarantus tricolor que l'on donnait jadis le nom de jalousie ou gelesie (dans le latin du moyen age gelesia, gelosia, d'ou le nom generique moderne celosia. Cfr. <<Circa instans et Gr. Herbier>> n? 213).

Img.79 Muguet des prez. - Species trifolii. - Lotus corniculatus L. Lotier.

Img.82 Roses de la marque d'Ancousne. - Species rosarum. - Rosa sp. - Jussieu le nomme <<Rosier de tous les mois>>. - La miniature, qui occupe tout l'encadrement du texte, offre deux rameaux de rosier, l'un a fleurs blanches, l'autre a fleurs roses.

Img.83 Pansee jaulne. - Species tassus barbatus. - Verbascum Blattaria L. Molene selon Jussieu <<herbe aux mites>>.

Img.84 Nyelle. - Nygena. - Agrostemma Githago L. Nielle des champs. - Cfr. Negella (Coquelourdes).

Img.85 Esclaire. - Salidonia. - Chelidonium majus L. Chelidoine, grande eclaire.

Img.86 Janettes. - Species behen albi. - Lychnis dioica DC. Floquet.

Img.87 Aubepin. - Alba spina. - Crataegus oxyacantha L. Aubepine.

Img.88 Feuves. - Faba. - Faba vulgaris Mch. Fleurs et gousses de feves.

Img.89 Peterolle. - Species behen albi. - Silene inflata DC. Silene gonflee. - Comme l'on sait, c'est un jeu ordinaire pour les enfants de faire eclater le calice de cette fleur sur le front ou sur le dos de la main, en produisant un certain bruit qui les amuse beaucoup. De la est venu, sans aucun doute, le nom vulgaire de peterolle donne ici a cette espece denomination analogue a celles de craquette, claquet, claquoire, etc., en usage dans quelques regions de la Normandie (voy. Joret, Fl. n., p. 30).

Img.90 Coquu. - Species prima veri. - Primula officinalis Jq. Primevere, coucou.

Img.91 Rubitz. - Species amarice. - Adonis aestivalis L. Goutte de sang.

Img.92 Ancolies doubles. - Angelica. - Aquilegia vulgaris L. fl. pleno. Ancolie a fleurs doubles.

Img.93 Pescher. - Flores persici. - Persica vulgaris DC. Fleurs de pecher.

Img.94 Paqueretes jaulnes. - Consolida. - Ranunculus acris L. Bassinet. La miniature offre l'espece a fleurs doubles, cultivee dans les jardins sous le nom de <<Bouton d'or>>.

Img.95 Violete a trochetz. - Species tunici. - Dianthus barbatus L. OEillet de poete. - Les fleurs en capitules denses (trochets) de cette espece portent le nom caracteristique de compagnons, dans le Vexin, a Magny et dans les environs.

Img.96 Bec de sygogne. - Herba Roberti. - Geranium Robertianum L. Herbe a Robert. - Selon quelques-uns, le nom Robert serait ici une alteration populaire de ruber. Les tiges et les feuilles rougeatres de la plante rendent cette explication assez plausible.

Img.97 Margarites. - Consolida minor. - Bellis perennis L. Paquerette, petite marguerite a fleurs blanches bordees de carmin.

Img.98 Bec d'oyseau. - Avi rostrium (l. Avium rostrum). Stellaria holostea L. Langue d'oiseau.

Img.99 Que Dieu march[and]a. - Edera terrestris. - Glechoma hederacea L. Lierre terrestre. Jussieu l'appelle aussi <<Terrette>>

Img.100 Vessereau. - Species ciceris L. - Vicia Cracca L. Vesce sauvage.

Img.101 Prunier. - Florum prunorum. - Prunus domestica L. Fleurs de prunier.

Img.104 Poys en gousse et en fleur. - Cicer album. - Pisum arvense L. Pois pigeon.

Img.105 Coquelourdes. - Species negella.- Lychnis dioica DC. Floquet. (Cfr. <<Janettes>>.)

Img.108 Treifles. - Trifolium maculatum. - Trifolium pratense L. Trefle, triolet.

Img.109 Gripaume. - Catula. - Leonurus Cardiaca L. Agripaume. - Le nom latin catula, petite chatte, a ete donne a cette fleur sans doute a cause de la villosite de sa corolle.

Img.112 Pavot. - Papaver album. - Papaver somniferum L. Pavot blanc cultive.

Img.112 Roses d'oustre mer. - Species malve. - Althaea rosea L. Rose tremiere. - Ainsi qu'on l'a deja fait observer, le mot tremiere n'est probablement qu'une alteration d'outremer, et par consequent le nom de <<Rose de Tremier>> , rapporte par Jussieu, est errone. Dans le <<Nomenclator>> de Junius Hadrianus, et dans le traite de Dalechamp cette althee est encore appelee <<Rose d'outremer>> .

Img.113 Violletee (l. violletes?). - Hasta regia. - Lythrum Salicaria L. Salicaire commune.

Img.114 Hanon. - Jacea nigra. - Centaurea jacea L. Centauree des pres. - Hanon est encore aujourd'hui, en Normandie, le nom de cette centauree et de plusieurs autres especes voisines, telles que C. nigra, C. Scabiosa, etc. M. Joret (Patois du Bessin, p. 113) rapproche hanon de han (Cyperus longus, souchet) en donnant comme racine l'allemand hanf, chanvre. Je crois plutot que hanon est le diminutif du vieux francais hane, crochet. Ce nom aurait ete donne a la plante a cause de la forme de ses fleurs ou de ses feuilles.

Img.115 Goudestz. - Corrigiola. - Convolvulus sepium L. Grand liseron.

Img.116 Freres. - Fragula. - Fragaria vesca L. Fraises.

Img.117 Genestz. - Genesta. - Sarothamnus scoparius K. Genet a balais.

Img.118 Guiroflee. - Species tunici. - Dianthus caryophyllus L. OEillet giroflee (fleurs simples).

Img.119 Aubefin. - Species batizora. - Centaurea cyanus L.

Img.120 Sarrarine. - Species amarusta. - Chrysanthemum segetum L. Chrysantheme des bles.

Img.121 Colettes. - Species behen. - Lychnis sylvestris DC. Lychnide des bois.

Img.122 Marjolene grenee. - Sansucus. - Origanum Maiorana L. Marjolaine.

Img.126 de la Cocqueree. - Species scolatri. Solanum mamale. - Solanum dulcamara L. Morelle douce-amere.

Img.127 Milles pertuys. - Mille foramina. - Hypericum perforatum L. Mille-pertuis, herbe de la Saint-Jean.

Img.128 Viollete de mars. - Viola. - Viola odorata L. Violettes.

Img.129 de la Tenaisie. - Athanasia. - Tanacetum vulgare L. Tanaisie, barbotine.

Img.130 Ysope. - Ysopus. - Hyssopus officinalis L. Hysope.

Img.131 Ancoli[e]s blanches.- Angelica alba. - Aquilegia vulgaris L. flore albo. Ancolie a fleurs blanches.

Img.132 Pansees. - Menuta penseta. - Viola tricolor L. - Pensee.

Img.133 Janetee (l. Janetes). - Saponaria. - Saponaria officinalis L. Saponaire.

Img.134 menu Lys. - Centaurea maior. - Lysimachia vulgaris L. Grande lysimaque, corneille.

Img.135 Viollecte blanche. - Tunici albi. - Dianthus caryophyllus L. OEillet simple, blanc.

Img.138 Pommes de paradis. - Poma paradisi. - Malus communis Lam. Pommes de paradis encore vertes.

Img.139 Cornuettes. - Satyrion. - Orchis laxifiora Lam. (?) Orchis a fleurs laches, variete a fleurs roses.

Img.140 Horvalle. - Aurum valet. - Scrofularia nodosa L. Grande scrofulaire.

Img.141 Huilletz blanc. - Species tunici. - Dianthus caryophyllus L. fl. albo pleno. - OEillet blanc a fleurs doubles.

Img.142 Blanche futaine. - Catoleri. - Viburnum lantana L. Mancienne (la plante est mal dessinee). Jussieu voit le <<lilas blanc>> (Lilac vulgaris Lam.). La Mancienne etait appelee au XVIe siecle, blanche pute et blanche putain (Dalechamp). - Catoleri est probablement un derive de catus, comme Catolleria (voy. Pullan).

Img.143 Pastonnades. - Pascinaca (l. Pastinaca) domestica. - Daucus Carota L. Carotte. Dans la miniature, les fleurs sont rosees, comme c'est le cas lorsque l'ombelle de cette plante n'est pas entierement epanouie.

Img.144 petite Consode. - Consolida media. - Achillea ptarmica L. - Achillee sternutatoire.

Img.145 Moustarde. - Sinapis. - Sinapis nigra L. Moutarde noire. - Jussieu indique la <<sanve>>, c'est-a-dire le Sinapis arvensis L., car il ajoute <<Sinapi arvense praecox, semine nigro>>. Quant a Decaisne, il croit reconnaitre ici le Sisymbrium amphibium de Linne (Roripa amphibia Bess.), qu'il appelle <<raifort d'eau>>.

Img.146 Langue de beuf. - Species buglossa. - Lycopsis arvensis L. Grippe des champs. - La plante est si bien figuree que je m'etonne de voir Decaisne proposer l'Anchusa italica Retz, d'autant plus que cette derniere espece est tres bien peinte sous le nom de bugleuse, p. 180.

Img.147 Treuffle menu. - Species triffolium. - Trifolium arvense L. Trefle, pied-de-lievre.

Img.150 Mauves. - Malva. - Malva sylvestris L. Mauve sauvage.

Img.151 Menuettes. - Minuta. - Polygala vulgaris L. Laitier commun.

Img.152 Scabieuse. - Scabiosa. - Scabiosa columbaria L. Scabieuse colombaire.

Img.153 Damoyselles. - Simbaleria. - Digitalis purpurea L. Gant de Notre-Dame.

Img.154 Reveille matin. - Linaria. - Linaria vulgaris Mch. Linaire commune, - Le nom francais indique qu'il y a eu confusion entre cette linaire et l'Euphorbia Lathyris L. en effet les deux especes ont entre elles une certaine ressemblance par les feuilles.

Img.155 Tierce feulle. - Tercifolium. - Plante fantaisiste, indeterminable.

Img.156 du Lin. - Linum. - Linum usitatissimum L. Lin cultive.

Img.157 Baselic. - Ozimum. - Ocimum basilicum L. Basilic commun,

Img.158 Fougere. - Felix. - Pteris aquilina L. Grande fougere.

Img.159 Chardonnetz. - Virga pastoris. - Dipsacus sylvestris Mill. Cardere sauvage. - C'est a tort que Jussieu dit <<chardon a foulon>>.

Img.162 Chardons. - Species cardo. - Deux carduees indeterminables.

Img.163 Violette guiroflee. - Species keyri. - Matthiola incana R. Br. Giroflee des jardins a fleurs violettes.

Img.164 Chevrefueil. - Caprifolium. - Lonicera etrusca Santi. Chevrefeuille d'Etrurie.

Img.165 Paqueretes. - Consolida minor. - Bellis perennis L. Petite marguerite, paquerette cultivee. (Fleurs doubles entierement blanches.)

Img.166 Jarveau (l. Jarreau?). - Species orobi. - Probablement le Lathyrus Cicera L., jarrose, jarrat, petite gesse. - Pour Jussieu, c'est la Vicia sativa, et pour Decaisne l'Orobus tuberosus L.

Img.167 Bertonique. - Betonica. - Campanula medium L. Campanule carillon.

Img.168 Serpentine. - Gersa serpentaria. - Arum Dracunculus L. Grande serpentaire. - Gersa doit etre de nouveau une faute du scribe peut-etre avait-il a copier grossa.

Img.170 Quegourdes. - Cucurbita. - Lagenaria vulgaris Ser. Calebasse.

Img.171 Calabistry. - Gallicum minus. - Espece de sauge difficile a determiner. D'apres Jussieu, l'artiste aurait ici represente la <<toute bonne>> (Salvia sclarea L.) Decaisne y voit la S. pratensis L. Cette derniere identification parait la plus vraisemblable.

Img.172 Guiroflee jausne. - Species keyri. - Cheiranthus cheiri L. Giroflee des murailles.

Img.173 Mere martyr. - Species camamille. - Leucanthemum parthenium G. G. Matricaire.

Img.174 Ganc blanc. - Species urtica alba. - Lamium album L. Lamier blanc, ortie blanche. - La forme ganc, au lieu de gant, est due certainement ici, comme ailleurs, a la confusion du c et du t dans l'ecriture gothique.

Img.175 Gloustrons. - Bardana. - Lappa major DC. Bardane, glouteron.

Img.176 Apoustumee. - Boraginum silvestre. - Echium vulgare L. Viperine, herbe aux viperes. - L'ancien nom apoustumee vient de ce que les tubercules qui couvrent la tige et les feuilles de la viperine ont ete compares a de petits apostemes.

Img.177 Rigolet. - Pulegium regale. - Mentha Pulegium L. Pouliot. - Le mot rigolet semble etre venu de l'ancien nom latin regale, prononce avec l'accentuation francaise mais il est probable que cette derivation s'est faite sous l'influence du mot rigole, a cause de l'habitat ordinaire de la plante. - Les termes de rigault, rigueloux, donnes dans ce manuscrit a d'autres especes de menthe ont certainement la meme origine.

Img.178 Serires. - Cerasium. - Cerasus vulgaris G. G. Cerises, griottes.

Img.179 Chardons jausnes. - Species cardo. - Kentrophyllum lanatum DC. Chardon beni jaune.

Img.180 Jasmin. - Sambacus. - Jasminum officinale L. Jasmin commun.

Img.181 Chardons ras. - Specie cardo. - Cirsium eriophorum Scop. Chardon des anes.

Img.182 Jobarde. - Barba Jovis. - Sempervivum tectorum L. Joubarbe et non S. arachnoideum L. comme le dit Decaisne.

Img.183 du Chesne. - Glandus. - Quercus sessiliflora Sm. Glands de rouvre.

Img.184 Chanvre fumelle. - Canabs. - Canabis sativa L. Chanvre (grappes de fleurs males).

Img.185 Violectes men[ues]. - Centaurea minor. - Erythraea pulchella Horn. Centauree elegante.

Img.186 Aubefin en croix. - Albafeni. - Specularia speculum Alph. DC. Miroir de Venus. - Jussieu la nomme <<roucette>>.

Img.187 Bugleuse. - Buglossa. - Anchusa italica Retz. Buglosse, langue de boeuf.

Img.188 Butoysne. - Butonica. - Betonica officinalis L. Betoine.

Img.189 Chanvre male. - Canabs ma[s]culus. - Cannabis sativa L. Chanvre (grappes de fleurs femelles). - L'emploi a contresens des mots <<chanvre male et chanvre femelle>>, habituel chez les anciens botanistes, a ete constate encore de nos jours dans tout le bassin du Rhone par M. le Dr Saint-Lager (Recherches historiques sur les mots <<plantes males et plantes femelles>>, p. 19. Paris, 1884).

Img.192 Nourilles de boys. - Avalena silvestris. - Corylus Avellana L. Noisettes des bois.

Img.193 Rue. - Rutarum. - Ruta graveolens L. Rue des jardins.

Img.194 Aigremoyne. - Agrimonia. - Les fleurs ne sont pas bien dessinees pourtant il est probable que l'auteur a voulu representer, non l'aigremoine, comme le pensait Jussieu, mais bien le Potentilla anserina L. Bec d'oie, ainsi que le dit Decaisne.

Img.195 Epurge. - Catapucia. - Euphorbia lathyris L. Epurge, petite catapuce.

Img.196 Orge. - Ordeum. - Hordeum vulgare L. Orge, escourgeon.

Img.197 Saigle. - Siligo. - Secale cereale L. Seigle.

Img.198 Forment. - Triticum. - Triticum vulgare Vill. Froment, ble ordinaire.

Img.199 Avoyne. - Avena. - Avena sativa L. Avoine.

Img.200 Mil. - Milium. - Setaria italica PB. Millet.

Img.201 Hache. - Apium. - Levisticum officinale K. Liveche.

Img.202 Dens de lion. - Dentes leonis. - Taraxacum officinale Vill. Pissenlit.

Img.203 Violete cramoisie. - Species keyri. - Matthiola incana R. Br. Giroflee des jardins (fleurs simples d'un carmin vif). Jussieu la nomme <<Quarantain>> .

Img.204 Querson alenoys. - Eruca. - Lepidium sativum L. Cresson alenois. - On a releve dans des textes du XIIIe et du XIVe siecle, les formes orleneis, orlenois, aulenoys, qui, selon Littre, proviendraient de l'adjectif <<orlenois>> (Aurelianensis, orleanais, d'Orleans). Ainsi que je l'ai deja fait remarquer ailleurs, cette etymologie n'est guere satisfaisante. En effet, le Lepidium sativum, originaire de l'Orient, etait jadis cultive partout, a cause des nombreuses proprietes

Img.205 Ponceau. - Papaver rubeum. - Papaver Rhoeas L., Coquelicot.

Img.206 Sauge menue. - Salva menuta. - Salvia officinalis L. Sauge officinale. Jussieu dit: <<petite sauge>>.

Img.207 Boutecornille. - Specie batizora. - Centaurea cyanus L. fl. albo. Bluet a fleurs blanches.

Img.208 Ramberge. - Mercurialis. - Mercurialis annua L. Foirasse, vignette. - Le nom de ramberge s'est conserve en Normandie pour la meme espece.

Img.209 Marjolaine sauvage. - Origanum. - Origanum vulgare L. Origan, marjolaine batarde.

Img.210 Blanche putain. - Fatoleri (l. Catoleri?). - Viburnum opulus L. Viorne obier, que Jussieu appelle <<Pain mollet>>.

Img.211 Aluysne. - Absinthium. - Artemisia absinthium L. Absinthe aluine. - Ce dernier nom francais vient de aloen, ancienne forme de aloes (voy. <<Circa instans>>, n? 18), l'amertume de l'absinthe ayant ete comparee a celle de l'Aloe vulgaris Lk.

Img.212 Confee fumelle. - Consolida minor. - Symphytum officinale L. flore albo. Consoude a fleurs blanches.

Img.213 Senelles. - Spina alba - Crataegus oxyacantha L. Cenelles, fruits de l'aubepine.

Img.214 Chausses trapes. - Specie spina. - Eryngium campestre L. Panicaut, chardon Roland.

Img.215 Feullagiee. - Florigeria. - Melampyrum arvense L. Queue-de-renard, rougeole.

Img.216 Brunetee. - Bruneta. - Circaea lutetiana L. Herbe aux sorcieres.

Img.217 Saffran. - Crocus. - Crocus sativus L. Safran cultive.

Img.218 Geneterolle. - Species geneste. - Genista tinctoria L., Genestrolle.

Img.219 Garencelle. - Spergula. - Galium verum L. Caille-lait jaune. - Le nom de Garencelle a ete donne a cette plante a cause de sa ressemblance avec la garance.

Img.220 Confee male. - Species consolida. - Symphytum officinale L. fl. roseo. Consoude a fleurs roses.

Img.221 Popier. - Portulaca. - Portulaca oleracea L. Pourpier. - On rencontre aussi, au XVIe siecle, la graphie pourpied, qui laisse mieux voir l'origine du latin pulli pes.

Img.222 Galiot. - Galiofilata. - Geum urbanum L. Benoite commune, appelee aussi jadis gariofilee et galiofilee. Cette plante est du reste nommee galliot ou galiot dans la plupart des traites de botanique du XVIe siecle.

Img.223 Garest. - Burgena. - Evonymus europaeus L. Fusain, bonnet de pretre (fruits). - Cette espece s'appelle aujourd'hui galais, dans la Champagne.

Img.224 Carainges. - Alkecangi. - Physalis alkekengi L. Coqueret. - Le mot carainges est tres probablement une erreur du copiste, au lieu de cacainges. (Cfr. l'italien kekengi, qui se trouve deja dans Matthioli).

Img.225 la Mossue. - Moussata. - Tres probablement une algue, une Conferva, comme l'a fort bien vu Jussieu qui la nomme <<mousse d'eau>>. L'artiste lui a donne une forme decorative dont les contours rappelleraient vaguement la silhouette de trois oeillets doubles superposes, et c'est ce qui fait que Decaisne a ete tente de voir dans cette miniature <<une chloranthie prolifere de l'oeillet>>. Il aurait pu ajouter <<de l'oeillet double>>, ce qui aurait complique l'anomalie.

Img.226 Sireaulx. - Papirus. - Carex riparia Curt. Laiche des rives. Jussieu ecrit <<leche>>.

Img.227 Espine noyre. - Primelorum (l. Prunelarum). - Prunus spinosa L. Prunellier (fleurs). - L'ancien nom de <<nerprun>> que donne Jussieu s'est conserve, il est vrai, dans quelques localites pour designer le prunellier et aussi le troene (voy. Joret, o. c., 59, 129), mais en general on ne l'applique plus guere qu'au Rhamnus catharticus L.

Img.228 Remanbrance. - Lunaria minor. - Heliotropium europaeum L. Herbe aux verrues.

Img.229 Piquerolle. - Yringi. - Centaurea Calcitrapa L. Centauree chausse-trape, chardon etoile. - Decaisne a fait erreur en proposant ici l'Onopordon Acanthium L.

Img.232 Preunes damars. - Prunas. - Prunus domestica L. Prunes de Damas, rondes et violettes. - Le <<Circa instans>> de Modene a deja la denomination Pruna damascena, et la traduction du meme ouvrage (n? 389): Prunes de Damas ou damascenes. Or dans ces deux exemples, Damas nous semble bien etre le nom de la ville et non celui de l'etoffe, comme le voudrait Littre.

Img.233 Aymart. - Amartini. - Rhinanthus major Ehrh. Crete-de-coq.

Img.234 Roses sauvages. - Bedgaris arbor. - Rosa canina L. Fleurs d'eglantier.

Img.235 Mental. - Mentastrum. - Mentha rotundifolia L. Baume sauvage. - Mental est probablement une fausse lecture de mentas. (Cfr. plus haut Arolle pour Arosse.)

Img.236 Ailletz. - Species sordi. - Muscari comosum Mill. Ail a toupet. - Cette espece porte aujourd'hui le nom d'aillot en Normandie, d'apres M. C. Joret (Fl. pop. de la Norm., p. 190).

Img.237 Panserolle. - Satyrion. - <<Orchis militaris major C. B, male picta>>, dit Jussieu. Le dessin est, en effet, fort mediocre, et l'espece representee est difficile a reconnaitre. Cependant c'est bien un Orchis, et non la Stachys sylvatica comme l'a cru Decaisne.

Img.238 Violete de marz. - Violla alba. - Viola odorata L. Violettes a fleurs blanches.

Img.239 Tartarie. - Tartaria. - Pedicularis sylvatica L. Pediculaire.

Img.240 Mesles. - Nespulum. - Mespilus germanica L. Nefles.

Img.241 Riffors. - Raffanus domesticus. - Raphanus sativus L. Radis, ou raifort, comme le dit Jussieu.

Img.242 Lys oust. - Species lilii. - Le dessin indiquerait une caryophyllee, mais les fleurs sont de couleur orange. - Lys oust est peut-etre l'abrevation de Lys oustremer.

Img.243 Grivolee. - Species satyrion. - Orchis fusca Jacq. Variete de l'Orchis pourpre. - L'espece est dite grivolee (ancienne forme de grivelee), parce que son labelle est mouchete comme le plumage des grives.

Img.244 Pie de pigeon. - Pes columbini. - Ranunculus repens L. Renoncule pied de poule.

Img.245 Herbe saint Jehan. - Peonia. - Paeonia officinalis Retz. - Pivoine officinale. - Jussieu dit <<Pivoine male>>.

Img.248 Guernades. - Mala grenata. - Punica granatum L. Fruits du grenadier, grenades.

Img.249 Fleur de Marion. - Camixpitheos. - Veronica teucrium L. Veronique teucriette.

Img.250 Percillee. - Serfolii. - Helosciadum nodifiorum K. Helosciadie. - Diverses ombelliferes aquatiques ont ete, comme celle-ci, comparees au <<persil>> nous avons par exemple le <<persil des marais>> (Sium angustifolium Lam.), le <<persil de l'eau>> (OEnanthe Phellandrium Lam.), etc.

Img.251 Guis de chesne. - Vistus (l. viscus) quercinus. - Viscum album L. Gui.

Img.252 Mil rouge. - Milastea. - Setaria italica PB. Mille (variete a grains rougeatres).

Img.253 perse Brunete. - Species bruneta. - Tres probablement Veronica spicata L. Veronique a epis. Decaisne y voyait le V. serpyllifolia L. et Jussieu un Polygala fl. caeruleo.

Img.254 Arglantier. - Bdegar. - Rosa canina L. Eglantier. - Ici l'artiste a represente seulement les fruits ailleurs il a peint les fleurs avec le nom de <<Roses sauvages>>. La forme arglantier, restee dans quelques patois, pourrait bien etre due a une fausse lecture de l'ancienne graphie aiglantier c'est ainsi que par suite d'une erreur du meme genre, ce manuscrit offre boriago pour borrago (voy. Bourrochez).

Img.255 du Houst. - Viscus agrifolium. - Ilex aquifolium L. Fruits du houx. - On tirait deja la glu de cette plante de la le nom de Viscus.

Img.256 Chastaignes. - Castanearum. - Castanea vulgaris Lam. Chataignes.

Img.257 Bruere menue (e). - Brutex munita (l. minuta). - Calluna vulgaris Salisb. Petite bruyere. - <<Bruere>> est reste dans le patois du Berry.

Img.258 Pironnee. - Species satirionis. - Muscari racemosum L. Muscari a grappe. - Jussieu y voyait la <<fritillaire>>.

Img.259 Chardons vergez. - Species cardo. - Figure defectueuse du Silybum Marianum Gaert. Chardon Marie, ou comme le dit Jussieu, <<chardon Nostre-Dame>>. Pour Decaisne, ce serait l'Onopordon acanthium.

Img.260 Anunceau. - Species cardo. -? - Jussieu y voit le Cirsium anglicum de Lobel, et Decaisne une Centaurea.

Img.261 Barbane. - Matricaria. - Labiee a fleurs bleues mal dessinees. Jussieu propose le genre Ballota pour l'identification, et Decaisne le Marrubium. Le premier nous semble plus pres de la verite.

Img.262 Fleurencelle.- Florenceola. - Campanulacee indeterminable. Decaisne propose le Phyteuma orbiculare.

Img.263 Boullatz. - Terebintus. - Betula alba L. Bouleau Jussieu ecrit: boulot.

Img.264 Lis bastard. - Lilium silvestrum. - Liliacee difficile a identifier. D'apres Jussieu, ce serait l'Ornithogalum umbellatum, et selon Decaisne, le Phalangium Liliago Schreb.

Img.265 Jomarin. - Joncus marinus. - Ulex europaeus L. Ajonc, jonc marin. - Jussieu a fait erreur en donnant pour l'identification le Genista Spartium (= Spartium junceum L.).

Img.266 Mactrax. - Papirus. - Typha angustifolia L. Matelas, massette, et selon Jussieu <<masse>>. - Le mot mactrax [= matras, matelas) signifiait dans l'ancienne langue un gros trait lance par l'arbalete, et c'est a cette sorte de fleche que l'on a compare les epis de la massette. D'ailleurs les termes de masse, massette, representent ici la masse d'armes du moyen age. Ces genres de rapprochements etaient jadis tres frequents. De la sont venus dans la nomenclature des plantes les noms de rumex, tribulus, chausse-trape, barbelee, comme aussi celui de macre applique au Trapa natans a cause de la forme de ses fruits, qui rappelaient les boules avec pointes de fer dont etaient garnies certaines maques (masse d'armes. Voy. Godefroy, Dict.). Il est curieux que personne, pas meme Littre, n'ait pense a cette explication pour l'historique des mots macre, macle, ni pour celui de macque, masse servant a broyer le chanvre ou le lin.

Img.267 Ysopart. - Ysopi agrescie. - Hyssopus officinalis L. (?) Hysope (feuilles plus larges et fleurs moins nombreuses que chez le suivant).

Img.268 Chesnarde. - Alius quinque digiti me. - Pulsatilla vulgaris Mill. Anemone pulsatille.

Img.269 Blanchete. - Blancheola. - Helianthemum pulverulentum DC. Heliantheme a feuilles grisatres.

Img.270 Geniesvre. - Juniperus. - Juniperus communis L., Genevrier,

Img.271 Titimali grand. - Titimali maior. - Euphorbia helioscopia L. Reveille-matin.

Img.272 Plantain. - Plantago. - Plantago major L. Grand plantain.

Img.273 Escariole. - Scariola. - Cichorium intybus L. Chicoree sauvage.

Img.274 Mante. - Mentastrum. - Mentha aquatica L. Menthe a grenouille.

Img.275 Croisee. - Cruciata. - Galium cruciatum Scop. Croisette.

Img.276 Langue de vache. - Species buglosse. - Anchusa officinalis L. Buglosse officinale. Ni l'identification <<orcanette>> (Alkanna tinctoria DC.), que donne Jussieu, ni celle de Cynoglossum officinale proposee par Decaisne, n'est admissible.

Img.277 Mire soleil. - Testicolos sacerdoti. - Ficaria ranunculoides Mch. Petite chelidoine, eclairette.

Img.278 Mentillon. - Matricarie. - Veronica Beccabunga L. Cressonniere.

Img.279 Letrons. - Rostrum porci. - Sonchus oleraceus L. Laiteron, laceron.

Img.280 Millart. - Panicum. - Panicum miliaceum L. Millet des oiseaux. - Jussieu dit <<Panis>>.

Img.281 Reguelisse sauvage. - Aristologia longa. - Aristolochia Clematitis L. Aristoloche, sarrasine.

Img.282 Burse pasteur. - Bursa pastoris. - Capsella bursa-pastoris Moench. Bourse a pasteur.

Img.283 Meures. - Mora celsi. - Morus nigra L. Fruits du murier noir.

Img.284 jeune Palme. - Palma. - Chamaerops humilis L. - Palmier-eventail. - L'artiste a tellement allonge et serre les feuilles pour les faire tenir dans la marge, que Jussieu les a prises pour celles d'un dattier.

Img.285 Saffran bastard. - Cartamus. - Carthamus tinctorius L. Carthame des teinturiers.

Img.287 L'Arolle. - Atriples. - Atriplex hortensis L. Arroche-epinard. - Ici de nouveau je serais tente de voir dans arolle une fausse lecon de arosse, a cause de la ressemblance de l et s dans certains types d'ecriture. Le patois normand a encore arousse pour arroche.

Img.288 Pourpree. - Purpurea. - Fleurs violettes difficiles a determiner. Decaisne serait porte a y voir une variete de Helianthemum (!).

Img.289 Jaulnete. - Lactuca. - Peut-etre le Senecio paludosus L. Senecon des marais. - Jussieu croit y reconnaitre la Lactuca sativa, et Decaisne une espece de Senecio.

Img.290 Agripal. - Urtica mortua. - Lamium maculatum L. Lamier tachete. - Les fleurs sont mal peintes. Jussieu a donne pour l'identification <<melisse sauvage, MelissaTragi>>, tandis que Decaisne a propose les genres Stachys et Melittis.

Img.291 Aulx. - Alium domesticum. - Allium sativum L. Ail cultive.

Img.292 Moron blanc. - Morsus galine. - Stellaria media Vill. Morgeline, mouron des oiseaux.

Img.293 Bruyere. - Alius bipharium. - Erica cinerea L. Bruyere cendree.

Img.294 Ongnons. - Cepe. - Allium Cepa L. Oignon.

Img.295 Rigueloux. - Species balsamite. - Probablement la Mentha citrata Ehrb. Menthe citronnee, cultivee.

Img.296 Aparitoyre. - Papetaria (l. Paretaria). - Parietaria officinalis L. Parietaire. - L'a initial de aparitoyre resulte de l'agglutination de l'article la avec paritoyre.

Img.297 Rigault. - Species me[n]tastrum. - Mentha sp. Menthe presque semblable a celle qui est appelee ci-apres <<Rigueloux>> peut-etre la M. aquatica L.

Img.298 Yvroye. - Lolium. - Lolium temulentum L. Ivraie.

Img.299 Eschallotes. - Stalogie (l. scalogie). - Allium ascalonicum L. Echalote.

Img.300 Colependre. - Scolopandria. - Scolopendrium officinale Sm. Scolopendre, langue-de-cerf.

Img.301 Penserol. - Panseolum. - Ajuga reptans L. Bugle.

Img.302 Millez feulles. - Millefolium. - Achillea Millefolium L. Millefeuille.

Img.303 Pate de lyon. - Marsilium. - Helleborus foetidus L. Ellebore. - Pour Jussieu c'est le H. niger, <<pied-de-griffon>>.

Img.304 Baguenaudes. - Species sene. - Colutea arborescens L. Baguenaudier, faux sene.

Img.305 Coudelou. - Cauda lupi. - La graminee, representee ici, est certainement un Phleum ou un Alopecurus, marsette ou vulpine, mais il est impossible de l'identifier d'une maniere plus precise. - Coudelou est pour coue de loup la forme coue (queue) existe encore dans le patois du Berry.

Img.306 Romarin. - Ros marinus. - Rosmarinus officinalis L. Romarin.

Img.307 Poys platz. - Lupini. - Lupinus albus L. Lupin cultive (gousses, sans fleurs).

Img.308 Testesorix. - Crassula minor. - Sedum acre L. Orpin, vermiculaire. - Teste sorix au lieu de tette de souris est une erreur fort ancienne, car nous avons deja teste de souris au XVe siecle, dans la traduction du <<Circa instans>>, de Modene (n? 492). M. Joret

Img.309 Mitons de saule. - Mellilotum. - Salix capraea L. Chatons males de saule. (Cfr. Chatons 324.)

Img.310 Artebeuf. - Resta bovis. - Ononis repens L. ou O. spinosa L. Arrete-boeuf, bugrane (dans le Vexin francais, bougrande). - La forme artebeuf n'est apparemment qu'un lapsus du scribe pour arete beuf.

Img.311 Melice. - Melissa. - Melissa officinalis L. Melisse, citronnelle. - Le dessin est exact, mais le miniaturiste a donne aux fleurs une teinte violacee qui n'appartient pas a cette plante.

Img.312 franche Souscicle. - Species calandula. - Calendula officinalis L. Souci cultive.

Img.313 Poyvrier. - Flores piperi. - Ribes nigrum L. Fleurs du groseillier noir. - Ces deux dernieres miniatures constituent, si je ne me trompe, le plus ancien document qui nous soit parvenu sur la culture du groseillier noir, non seulement en France, mais en Europe. En effet, cet arbuste inconnu aux anciens, n'est mentionne, ni dans les herbollaires du moyen age, ni dans les traites des premiers botanistes de la Renaissance. Il faut arriver a la seconde moitie du XVIe siecle pour trouver quelque auteur, tel que J. Bauhin, qui en parle en nous faisant savoir qu'on la cultivait alors en Italie et en France.

Img.314 Lestus (l. lestue). - Lactica. - Lactuca sativa L. Laitue.

Img.315 Sicamour. - Siccamor. - Acer Pseudo-Platanus L. Sycomore, faux platane.

Img.316 Fumeterre. - Fumus terre. - Fumaria officinalis L. Fumeterre officinale.

Img.317 Gaude. - Gauda. - Reseda luteola L. Gaude, herbe a jaunir.

Img.320 Raisins noirs. - Uva nigra. - Vitis vinifera L. Grappes de raisin noir. Jussieu dit <<Morillon noir>>.

Img.322 grande Esclere. - Menuta. - Glaucium luteum Scop. Glaucienne jaune. Jussieu l'appelle <<Pavot cornu>>.

Img.323 grosses Penscees. - Grossa pensate. - Viola tricolor L. var. hortensis. Grandes pensees violettes, cultivees.

Img.324 Marest. - Muguetum palustre. - Cardamine pratensis L. Cressonnette.

Img.328 franc Coings. - Citrinum (l. citonium). - Cydonia vulgaris Pers. Fruits du coignassier.

Img.329 Myeulx que or. - Species melliloti. - Crucifere difficile a determiner. Jussieu a propose le <<Bunia>> ou le Napus sylvaticus de C. Bauhin Decaisne, un Nasturtium.

Img.330 Quegourdes de Turquie. - Colloquintida. - Jussieu voyait dans cette miniature la coloquinte (Citrullus Colocynthis L.), et Decaisne la citrouille (Cucurbita Pepo L.). Mais, ainsi que me l'a fait observer M. le Dr Bonnet, il est plus probable que c'est le Cucurbita moschata Duch., appele <<Courge d'Afrique, Barbarine, Courge des Bedouins>>.

Img.331 Chatons. - Flos silicis. - Salix capraea L. Chatons femelles de saule. (Cfr. <<mitons de saule>>.)

Img.332 Tavellee. - Species satyrion. - Orchis mascula L. Orchis male. - Cette espece est dite tavellee a cause des taches que presente son labelle. Le verbe taveler de l'ancien francais provenait de *tavellare, paver, est-il dit dans les dictionnaires etymologiques mais alors il faut entendre dans ce cas un pavement a la venitienne, le terrazzo, que Theophile Gautier comparait aux tranches de mortadelle.

Img.336 Grouselliers. - Rhamnus. - Ribes uva-crispa L. Groseilles a maquereaux.

Img.340 Foysnez. - Fagus. - Fagus sylvatica L. Faines, fruits du hetre.

Img.344 .(Le nom francais manque.) - Citrangulus. - Citrus Aurantium Risso. Oranges.

Img.348 Abricotz. - Grisolominis. - Armeniaca vulgaris T. Abricots. - Les fruits ne sont pas de la grandeur naturelle, et le nom francais n'a pas ete reproduit dans l'edition Curmer c'est ce qui fait que Decaisne a cru reconnaitre ici les <<Prunes de mirabelles>>.

Img.352 Poyrier de fin or. - Pirus. - Pyrus communis L. Variete de poires.

Img.356 Nefflier. - Florum mespule. - Mespilus germanica L. Fleurs de neflier.

Img.360 Lys rouge. - Lilium rubeum. - Lilium croceum Chaix. Lis jaune orange.

Img.361 Moron rouge. - Morsus galine. - Anagallis arvensis L. Mouron rouge.

Img.364 Cormier. - Sorbe. - Sorbus domestica L. Sorbier, cormier (fruits).

Img.368 .(Les noms francais et latin etaient deja effaces dans le manuscrit, du temps de Jussieu.) La miniature represente des peches (Persica vulgaris DC.).

Img.372 Ponmes de roueau. - Pommas. - Malus communis Lam. Variete qui est peut-etre la pomme de rouelle indiquee dans la Fl. pop. norm., p. 261, de C. Joret, ou le rouvezeau mentionne dans le Dict. de Littre. Je trouve, au XVIe siecle, dans le <<Nomenclator>> de Junius, l'appellation pommes de rouueau appliquee a la mala rubelliana de Ruellius, Jussieu donne pommes de raveau.

Img.376 .- Hobelon. - Luppulus. - Humulus lupulus L. Houblon.

Img.380 de la Vesse. - Species lupinus. - Vicia sepium L. Vesce sauvage.

Img.384 Pommes de pin.- Pomas pin. - Pinus pine L. Pin pignon.

Img.388 du Pullan. - Catolleria arbor. - Le dessin de la figure laisse a desirer, mais il est probable qu'il s'agit ici des fleurs de l'alisier, Sorbus aria Crantz, ou, comme le croyait Jussieu, de celles du <<Buisson ardent>> (Cotoneaster pyracantha Spach). Selon Decaisne, ce serait le Crataegus Amelanchier. Si l'on s'en tenait seulement au nom francais, on serait porte naturellement a identifier ces fleurs avec celles du Cerasus Padus DC. , c'est-a-dire du <<bois puant>> ou <<putiet>> , car le mot pullan n'est autre qu'une des nombreuses formes de l'ancien adjectif pulent, signifiant infect, puant, etc., et provenant de *putu-

Img.392 Nantilles. - Species pisei. - Lathyrus sylvestris L. ou L. latifolius L. Gesse bleue.

Img.396 Faverolles. - Faberole. - Phaseolus vulgaris L. Haricots. - La figure de cette espece dans un manuscrit de 1508 est interessante au point de vue historique, car, selon Alph. de Candolle (Orig. des pl. cult., p. 275): on n'est pas completement sur que Phaseolus vulgaris fut connu en Europe avant la decouverte de l'Amerique.>>

Img.400 Viorne. - Citisus. - Clematis Vitalba L. Clematite des haies.

Img.404 Poyvre. - Piperi rotondi (1). - Ribes nigrum L. Fruits du groseillier noir, cassis.

Img.405 .- Homeau. - Ulmus. - Ulmus campestris Sm. Orme, que Jussieu ecrit <<horme>>.

Img.408 Naveaulx sauvages. - Napus silvestris. - Bryonia dioica Jq. Vigne blanche, navet du diable, et d'apres Jussieu <<Couluvree>>.

Img.412 Comoust. - Species caprifoli. - Plante difficile a

Img.416 Concombres. - Cucumer. - Cucumis sativus L. Concombres.

Img.420 Ronsces. - Arbustum rubri. - Rubus fruticosus L, Ronce. - Le celebre philologue Diez, avait, avec sa clairvoyance habituelle, tire <<ronce>> de rumicem, comme <<ponce>> de pumicem. Cepen-

Img.424 des Frelles. - Flacea. - Bidens tripartita L. Chanvre d'eau. - Flacea pourrait bien etre pour filacea, mot qui aurait ete forme sur le francais filace (filasse).

Img.428 du Querson. - Nasturci aquatici. - Tres probablement le cresson de fontaine (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.), d'apres le dessin mais les fleurs ont ete peintes en bleu pale. C'etait aussi l'opinion de Jussieu. Pour Decaisne, il n'a vu ici qu'une plante imaginaire.

Img.432 .(Nom efface.) - Nucariis. - Juglans regia L. Noix.

Img.433 Vinnete. - Acetoza. - Rumex acetosa L. ou R. acetosella L. Oseille, vinette, surelle.

Img.434 Sarriete. - Saturagia. - Satureia hortensis L. Sarriette des jardins.

Img.435 Veixre. - Primula veris. - Primula elatior L. Primevere.

Img.436 Leaune. - Bealna. - Plante mal dessinee, difficile a determiner. Probablement le Stachys palustris L., ainsi que l'a pense Decaisne.

Img.440 du Senexon. - Cardumoen. - Senecio sylvaticus L. Senecon des bois. - Le mot cardumoen me semble etre une erreur de copiste il faut lire apparemment carduniceri.

Img.441 Blectes. - Blecta. - Beta vulgaris L. Bette. - Pour Jussieu c'est la <<patience>> .

Img.442 Roquete. - Eruca. - Eruca sativa Lam. Roquette.

Img.443 la Trible. - Triphlorale. - Alisma Plantago L. Plantain d'eau. - Cette plante est appelee trible, c'est-a-dire triple, a cause des trois folioles petaloides de son perigone.

Img.446 de la Poyvrade. - Ges. - Nigella sativa L. Nigelle. - Le mot ges est du apparemment a une faute du copiste, qui avait a ecrire git, jadis le nom latin de la nigelle.

Img.447 .(Le nom francais manque.) - De aspula. - Plante indeterminable. Decaisne y voyait un rameau de Tamarix ou de Myricaria.

Img.448 menue Bruere. - Brutey. - Bruyere a balais. Erica scoparia L.

Img.449 Amaroustes. - Amarusca. - Anthemis arvensis L. OEil-de-vache, confondue avec l'A. cotula L., qui porte encore de nos jours les noms de maroute et amaroute.

Img.450 Orpin.- Faba subersa. - Sedum Telephium L. Reprise, grassette. - Faba subersa est une erreur de lecture il faut certainement corriger par Faba inversa.

Img.451 Bouys. - Boyci. - Buxus sempervirens L. Buis.

Img.454 du Frellon (1). - Brusci. - Ruscus aculeatus L. Fragon, houx-frelon (fruits). - La plante a ete nommee frelon, a cause des rameaux a pointes qui piquent comme l'insecte de meme nom. Quant au nom moderne fragon, c'est tout simplement le latin fragum, fraise, ecrit selon l'ancienne prononciation qui a donne origanon, basilicon, phelandrion, etc., dans les anciens textes.

Img.455 Fogere bastarde. - Osmundum. - Polystichum filix-mas Roth. Fougere male.

Img.456 Cornilles. - Cornus. - Cornus mas L. Fleurs de cornouiller.

Img.457 Coriande. - Coriandrium. - Coriandrum sativum L. Coriandre.

Img.458 Herbe au char[penti]er. - Lancerlata (l. lanceolata). - Plantago lanceolata L. Plantain, oreille-de-lievre.

Img.459 Barbelee. - Barbarea. - Sagittaria sagittaefolia L. Flechiere. - L'on sait que l'on appelait jadis barbelee la fleche dont la pointe etait garnie de deux dents les feuilles auriculees de la susdite plante representent bien la figure de cette arme.

Img.460 Gyon. - Species blete. - Apparemment le Chenopodium album L., anserine blanche mais la figure est mediocre et douteuse. Les denominations de <<blete>> et blitum album, dont se sert

Img.464 Neole. - Enulla campana. - Inula Helenium L. Aunee.

Img.465 Alixandre. - Alixandrie. - Peut-etre le Brassica campestris L. chou a feuilles rudes. En tout cas il ne s'agit pas ici de l'Athamantha macedonica Spr., nommee alexandri dans le <<Circa instans>> (1) et dans d'autres traites du moyen age.

Img.466 Arbucil. - Arbustum. - Probablement le Solidago virga aurea L., la grande verge doree. Jussieu croyait y reconnaitre le Senecio Jacobea.

Img.467 Pinpenelle. - Pimpenella. - Poterium Sanguisorba L. Pimprenelle.

Img.468 Tremblant. - Fenum vulgatum. - Briza media L. Tremblette, amourette.

Img.469 Grace gelline. - Gallina. - Il est probable que l'artiste a voulu representer ici le Xanthium strumarium L. (Lampourde, grapilles), comme le croyait Jussieu. Decaisne pencherait pour un Chenopodium, mais cette opinion ne nous parait guere fondee.

Img.470 Guymauves. - Bismalve. - Althaea officinalis L. Guimauve.

Img.471 Melinot. - Melliloti. - Melilotus officinalis Lam. Melilot.

Img.472 Morelle. - Morella. - Solanum nigrum L. Morelle (fleurs).

Img.473 .- Pourreaulx. - Porrum. - Allium Porrum L. Poireaux.

Img.474 Balsamite. - Barsamita. - Espece de sauge, difficile a determiner. Probablement la Salvia verbenaca L.

Img.475 Escarlete. - Centum grana. - Ombellifere indeterminable. Jussieu propose l'Anethum hortense de C. Bauhin Decaisne, le genre Caucalis.

Img.476 Molaine. - Molanie. - Verbascum Thapsus L. Molene, bouillon blanc.

Img.477 Tavellee. - Pelmoneria. - Pulmonaria officinalis L. Pulmonaire officinale. - Le nom de tavelee est reste dans le patois normand pour une autre borraginee, l'Echium vulgare L.

Img.478 Boustonee. - Species glilis. - Mauvais dessin de Cynoglossum officinale L. Langue de chien. - La determination Omphalodes linifolia Moench, donnee par Decaisne est inadmissible. - Le nom de <<Boustonnee>> a ete donne a cette plante a cause de la reunion des carpelles formant une sorte de bouton.

Img.479 Gratereau. - Verrolium. - Galium tricorne Wilh. La couleur violacee donnee aux fleurs de ce gaillet est fantaisiste.

Img.480 Politrice. - Politrici. - Asplenum Trichomanes L. Polytric officinal.

Img.481 Bouquetee. - Bouqueta. - Iberis umbellata L. Iberide.

Img.482 Barsines. - Barsinus. - Atropa belladona L. Belladone.ulgare L.