Thursday 4 May 2017

Laurenziana Redi 165: erba lapatio

Firenze, Laurenziana ms Redi 165 dates to the first half of the XV Century and was likely produced in Northern Italy. The page presented here discusses Rumex mainly as a cure for skin diseases.

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Transcription: Erba lapatio cioe romite magiore sono ditre romice salvaticha edimesticha cioe romice marina | Et moltane, Nascie in molti luoghi sabinosi terreni Et innorti Et inuie lasua radice colta e pusta | consugna diporco posta adanghuinaie subito macera eapre ongni malore lefoglie colle | barbe cotta innqacqua dorzo data abere ebuona allo chatarro Et ronpe emacera ongni | postrema dipetto ilseme manichato ebuona alluvola acchi discende affalla ritornare insu | o stato e buona adongni malore arrongna eschabia lavandosene colla cocitura dove con | laradisina sua inpero [?] ebuona alebrosi mondare emitichare lepiaghe loro lodotture lapro | va a molte uertu buone provate :---

Translation: Lapathum or Greater Rumex is of three [kinds] i.e. Wild Rumex and Domestic Rumex: Maritime and | Mountain Rumex. It grows in many places, on sandy grounds, in gardens and along the roads. Its root, crushed with | pork fat, placed on the groin, immediately macerates and opens any lesion. Leaves and | roots, cooked with boiled barley, are good to drink to cure phlegm; this also breaks and macerates the | apostemes of the breast. Cooked seeds are good for those whose uvula dropped, making it revert to | its ordinary position. It is good for any disease, scabies and mange, if one washes with water boiled with eggs [?] and its | small roots. Is is also [?] good for leprosy, cleaning and soothing the wounds: the physician tried | this. It has many good and tried virtues :---

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